Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls expansion sells 2.7 million in one week
Posted by Joystiq Apr 03 2014 18:30 GMT in Activision
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Activision announced today that Blizzard's Diablo 3 expansion Reaper of Souls has sold more than 2.7 million copies worldwide since its launch for Windows and Mac platforms on March 25.

The publisher additionally notes that Diablo 3 earned more than 2.4 million Twitch views on Reaper of Souls' launch day. Players have completed the expansion's quest line more than 1.5 million times in the week following its release.

Along with new story content, Reaper of Souls introduces the new Crusader class and raises character level caps. The core Diablo 3 experience was recently overhauled to make item drops more plentiful and better-suited to player classes.

A PlayStation 4 version of Reaper of Souls is also in the works.

[Image: Activision Blizzard]

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