Impressions: Landmark
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 08 2014 16:00 GMT in Everquest Next
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You can now join Landmark for just £14. Sony’s Minecraft-esque adjunct to EverQuest Next has lowered the barrier of entry into the closed beta so even a frugal Scottish freelancer can stroll in. I’ve spent the weekend wandering the worlds, admiring what’s being built and testing the tools.

I am currently not dead, but if I died and you were to look through my search history and Twitter account, you’d probably think Landmark was the killer. I’ve only been able to play it with passive-aggressive search engine queries and complaining on Twitter. There is no game here. Not yet, anyway. Landmark, has a bright future, but it’s also a honest-to-glob alpha, and probably one of the earliest games I’ve ever bought from a major company. Here’s what I’ve typed into Google and Twitter, and here’s what those searches say about the state of the game.

… [visit site to read more]

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