Hack And Class: Bound By Flame Gets Fighty
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 14 2014 07:00 GMT in PC Gaming News
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I don’t know how to feel about Bound By Flame. I mean, it looks spectacularly competent in all ways, which I realize is something of an oxymoron. Let me explain: it’s swollen – nearly pregnant – with pomp and bombast, but I can’t really see what makes it truly special or standout. Developer Spiders’ previous somewhat comically titled role-player, Mars: War Logs, was the same way, except then it turned out to be not so good. If nothing else, though, Bound By Flame‘s combat looks pretty good. You can watch it below. Also, I just skimmed my own paragraph and saw the phrase “pregnant spiders,” and now I need to go find a new brain because this one is ruined.

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