Giant Bomb Is Moving Servers Thursday Morning
Posted by Giant Bomb Apr 17 2014 01:10 GMT in Gaming News
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It's moving day for this little guy.

Giant Bomb and Comic Vine will be in read-only mode from 7 AM until approximately 9 AM Pacific Time on Thursday while we move our servers to a new colocation facility. During this time, posts to the forums, wiki edits, personal messages, and other site changes may not be copied to our new servers, so you may not wish to make any major changes during this time, and you may see some weirdness such as disappearing forum posts if you do attempt to write anything to the site. However, you can still read all available posts and content. After 9 AM, you should be pointed at the new location, but if you continue to see a red bar across the top of the site, you may need to refresh your DNS. You can find some instructions on how to do that here, although the specific techniques will vary based on your operating system.

Apologies for the disruption. In the long run we hope that this move will improve site stability and reduce downtime.

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