Tim Schafer talks about Brutal Legend, critics response, and DLC
Posted by Joystiq Dec 05 2009 18:30 GMT in Brutal Legend
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Brütal Legend may have sold less than thrillingly during the game's first month on shelves, but Double Fine head Tim Schafer remains nonplussed. In fact, he hasn't even seen the numbers yet, instead choosing to wait "'til after Christmas," he recently told GamePro. "I like to give it time, you know? I think many people look too soon but a lot of games I've worked on have succeeded based on word of mouth," he explained. And despite somewhat tepid responses from critics, Schafer said he was happy "for the most part" with how the game was received. While he's still not talking specifics, the idea of more downloadable content is clearly one Schafer's interested in. "We definitely want to do more DLC for both single-player and multiplayer, as well as some tuning patches," he said, and added that the developers are still watching multiplayer online to see what needs fixing. Given the usual one month after release and then three month after release DLC schedule, we're betting it won't be too long before we hear about exactly what the folks at Double Fine have in mind.

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