This layout is really confusing...
Posted by Zelnor Jan 09 2010 18:12 GMT in Zelnor
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Considering the site architecture, wouldn't a more conservative interface better? The topics I see on the front page whenever I visit (Zelnor? Visit? Ha!) are probably all the new ones, but most of them are things I don't even want to see. I think the old layout of Announcements and then the list of forums or something was at least more intuitive. Here, navigation is somewhat clunky because there's a hueg flood of forums.


Also, I apologize for not posting here anymore, but for some reason I don't feel as much 'at home' at I did. Maybe it's the usual WAH WAH EVERYTHING IN THE PAST WAS BETTER, which I don't want to fall into, considering Francis probably had to ignore his hordes of hot babes for a while to code this (what sacrifice!), but... Just not my type. Way too hasty.




So yeah.



Reply by MattTheSpratt Jan 09 2010 18:27 GMT

You can still go straight to announcements (it's called Digibutter News now), and for gaming you can view ALL Gaming News or search for a specific game, but I get what you are saying.

By default you see every topic ordered by date across the entire site.  If there is stuff you don't ever want to see you can "Hide" that forum (or that user).  Navigation isn't really necessary unless you are looking for something specific.

Soon I will let you customize what you see on your "front page".   So that can be *everything* like it is now, only boards you care about, or just a basic list of forums like the good ole days.

But the problem we have today is the same one we had before:  In the old site everyone posted to Off-Topic.  Now everyone posts to their own board, which aggregated together into one view is basically the same as Off-Topic.

But anyways, thanks for the drive-by feedback, I would like to hear more suggestions.  (also I think the format is more suited for people who visit the site daily)

Reply by Francis Jan 09 2010 18:48 GMT
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