Muscle March crashing into North America next week
Posted by Joystiq Jan 15 2010 23:30 GMT in Muscle March
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WiiWare's been pretty good lately, but it's really lacking in ... musclebound, Speedoed dudes busting through walls. Have you noticed that? Thankfully, Namco Bandai noticed that as well, and is stepping in to help out, having announced that its WiiWare game Muscle March will be available on WiiWare next Monday, January 18. The best part? The publisher dropped the price by 300 Wii Points in the move from Japan to America, meaning we'll be able to download it for just 500 points! That's definitely in impulse-buy territory, which is where it belongs. Too bad Nintendo's point purchase system isn't really friendly to impulse buys. But hey, if you've still got 500 points on your Wii, you're all set! When we encoded the new trailer Namco sent along with the announcement, it somehow ended up both upside down and backwards. We figure it's not going to make much less sense this way than it would in the correct orientation. If you want, you can see it right side up after the break.

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