The International Jurassic Park Erotic Fan-Fiction Writer's Association
Posted by Francis Jan 25 2010 19:18 GMT in teh internets
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Do you love dinosaurs? How about the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, do you love them too? How about writing stories about Jurassic Park dinosaurs being 'loved' in many unique and interesting ways?

If you answered "Yes" to all of the above, or even just to the last question, then this is the group for you! Here at the IJPEFFWA we fully encourage our members to explore the unplumbed depths of poorly written stories about dinosaurs having sex with each other, as well as with everything else.

Want to know whether a dilophosaur *always* spits, or whether car tyres are the *only* rubber a tyrannosaur can tear apart? Simply search through our "compy"-hensive list of text based erotica and you're sure to find enough material to make yourself "saur", and if you still can't find what you're looking for why not write it yourself and put it up here for everyone else to read? All submissions welcome!

also on Facebook


hahaha oh wow
Reply by Fallen Shade Jan 25 2010 20:13 GMT
Reply by Lord Crump Jan 26 2010 04:13 GMT
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