Capcom: Super Street Fighter IV will be the last Street Fighter IV
Posted by Joystiq Apr 10 2010 00:30 GMT in Super Street Fighter IV
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If your overactive imagination is already calling up fantasies of the next, next iteration of Street Fighter IV, you should reign that in right now. Producer Yoshinori Ono told Official Xbox Magazine (via CVG) he's "aware of the mistakes Capcom has made in the past" in relation to the numerous special editions past Street Fighter installments have received. He added, "Super Street Fighter IV should be the distinctive end" of the franchise's fourth chapter.

Capcom's not abandoning the title, though -- Ono said the company could ostensibly "upload a patch for Super Street Fighter IV 2011 edition that would have tuning and balancing." But as far as ever seeing Hyper Ultra Super Street Fighter 4: Turbo Tournament Edition EX: The New Challengers hit store shelves, Ono claims that "as a packaged product, I think this is the last."

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