March NPD: Pokemon and Kratos catch all the money
Posted by Joystiq Apr 16 2010 00:15 GMT in God of War III
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The ill-timed announcement of the 3DS wasn't enough to scare consumers off from purchasing new DS systems. Thanks to the combination of a new hardware variant (the big, big, big DSi XL) and new Pokemon games, the dual-screened platform sold like gangbusters. Meanwhile, hardware shortages kept the PS3 from massive sales despite the fact that it had the best-selling game of March (God of War 3).

Speaking of software, we've learned a lot about you from this month. For example, Final Fantasy fans strongly prefer PS3, Battlefield fans strongly prefer 360, and Pokemon fans' dollar votes went to SoulSilver over HeartGold by quite a lot. How do you even decide something like that? Seriously, one of the 1.78 million or so of you who bought it -- take us through your process!

-DS: 701K88K (14%)
-Wii: 558K160K (40%)
-360: 338K>84K (-20%)
-PS3: 314K46K (-13%)
-PSP: 120K13K (-10%)
-PS2: 118K16K (16%)

See the top 10 games after the break.

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