Super Street Fighter IV 'Fight Club' event had its highs and lows
Posted by Joystiq Apr 25 2010 18:30 GMT in Super Street Fighter IV
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Capcom's recent promotional get-together for its upcoming renovated fighting game, Super Street Fighter IV, was chock-full of exciting moments for die-hard fans of the series. The pinnacle moment of the "Fight Club" event was, undoubtedly, the final showdown between Street Fighter legends Daigo Umehara and Justin Wong, the entirety of which was captured on video. You don't have to know much about the franchise to appreciate the epicness of this match-up, or to recognize how impossibly radical the final round is.

Unfortunately, one bad apple in the crowd had to try and ruin the whole thing. Jon Gibson, founder of i am 8-bit Productions, is asking for help with locating a ton of video equipment (and documentary footage shot on said equipment) which was stolen during the event. If you have any information about the equipment's whereabouts, he's offering a cash reward -- but we know you guys don't care about that. You care about helping out your fellow man, right?

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