Posted by Lord Crump Jun 21 2010 01:22 GMT in Digiblogger
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"I have been following the stories and comments surrounding Lord Crump, and frankly, I'm appalled. Why doesn't Crump try doing something constructive for once in his life? First off, there are some jejune freebooters who are cranky. There are also some who are deceitful. Which category does Crump fall into? If the question overwhelms you, I suggest you check "both". If you can go more than a minute without hearing him talk about adversarialism, you're either deaf, dumb, or in a serious case of denial.

"If the human race is to survive on this planet, we will have to expose some of Crump's short-sighted deeds. Okay, that was a facetious statement. This one is not: Crump will do everything in his power to weave his disingenuous traits, disgusting perversions, and dictatorial bait-and-switch tactics into a rich tapestry that is sure to insult my intelligence. No wonder corruption is endemic to our society; Crump plans to embark on wholesale torture and slaughter of innocent civilians. He has instructed his mercenaries not to discuss this or even admit to his plan's existence. Obviously, Crump knows he has something to hide.

"Mass anxiety is the equivalent of steroids for Crump. If we feel helpless, Crump is energized and ramps up his efforts to substitute pap for art. Imagine people everywhere embracing his claim that he is omnipotent. The idea defies the imagination. His chums contend that he is God's representative on Earth. I say to them, "Prove it"—not that they'll be able to, of course, but because I find it amusing how all thinking people simultaneously flinched when they heard Crump insist that he can succeed without trying. I don't think anyone questions that. But did you know that it is widely known and beyond dispute that his speeches leave the impression of an army of pompous phrases moving over the landscape in search of an idea? Unfortunately, I can already see the response to this letter. Someone, possibly Lord Crump himself or one of his subordinates, will write a sinister piece about how prissy I am. If that's the case, then so be it. What I just wrote sorely needed to be written." --some guy



that's you
Reply by Viddd Jun 21 2010 01:31 GMT
wtf is this. What are you talking about.
Reply by Popple Jun 21 2010 01:33 GMT
dude what
Reply by Fallen Shade Jun 21 2010 01:54 GMT
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