Official Digibutter Minecraft Server
Posted by Super-Claus Jul 25 2010 20:13 GMT in Off-Topic
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Current Status:


Ok so its up and running 24/7 now, only times I'll be taking it down is for maitenence or if the power goes out.

Current maps are as follows:

Main (all users)

Digimountains (Builder)

Desert (Builder)

Oceans (Builder)

Foothills (Builder)

Caverns (Builder)

Hell (Builder)

City (Builder

BagarzXzee (Russian Map, Builder)

Paradise (AdvBuilder)

FlyingIslands (AdvBuilder)

That's all we have for now, and if you have a mmap you want made, request it and if i have room I'll make it.

Regular server maitenence will occur on every fourth saturday of the month, that aside the server will be up and running all hours of the day.

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