Become a Sports Champion with the 'Sports Victory' set for PlayStation Move
Posted by Joystiq Aug 28 2010 19:00 GMT in Sports Champions
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Kevin Butler and Subway aren't the only ones excited for the PlayStation Move. Peripheral companies, like Hyperkin, are getting ready to unleash a salvo of plastic accessories that "enhance" the motion gaming experience on PS3. Like the Wii, Move will be home to a number of absurd attachables, like the ones featured in the "Sports Victory Set" (pictured above). For $30, you'll be able to get a dagger, shield, bow and table tennis paddle, designed with Sports Champions in mind.

For $25, you'll be able to invest in Hyperkin's "Special Ops Shooter," which transforms your Move controller into (you guessed it!) a gun. Hopefully, it won't be long until companies like CTA Digital make some PS3-compatible inflatable karts.

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