It’s officially 2014, and if you checked out our preview post and video last month you’ll know that means mega awesome titles are coming soon! Tomorrow our Plus members will be able to download both Don’t Starve on PlayStation 4 and DMC Devil May Cry on PlayStation 3. Don’t Starve is deceptively cute, so don’t be fooled, this is a hardcore survival simulator. You (as a Gentleman Scientist) will need to gather, hunt and build in order to stay alive in this mysterious land.
DmC Devil May Cry refreshes the story of Dante and gives him a bit of a makeover, but the combat is still as action-packed as you’d expect from a DMC title. Dante still packs his pistols Ebony & Ivory as well as his blade Rebellion, and you’ll have to switch back and forth from Angel and Demon mode in order to rack up your massive combos.
You can download Don’t Starve and DmC Devil May Cry as well as take advantage of all these PS Plus discounts after the PlayStation Store updates tomorrow, 1/7.

Don’t Starve (PS4)
Free for PS Plus members

Don’t Starve: Console Edition is an uncompromising wilderness survival game full of science and magic. You play as Wilson, an intrepid Gentleman Scientist who has been trapped by a demon and transported to a mysterious wilderness world. Wilson must learn to exploit his environment and its inhabitants if he ever hopes to escape and find his way back home.
DMC Devil May Cry (PS3)
Free for PS Plus members

In a society corrupted by demons only The Order can see the world for what it really is. Join Dante in the ultimate experience of stylish action chain together combo after combo with panache and dispatch demonic spawn back to hell – reveal the truth behind the lies. Explore Dante’s dark past encountering some the most familiar faces in the DmC universe. Call upon unimaginable powers combined with Dante’s epic arsenal of weapons: sword, scyte, axe, pistols and more. Face your demons…

Streetkix: Freestyle — PS Plus Price: $10.79, Regular Price: $11.99

Last Chance (Leaving on 1/14)
Instant Game Collection
Galaga Legions (PS3)
Atomic Ninjas
Atomic Ninjas
Foosball 2012
Foosball 2012
The Impossible Game
One Epic Game
Blimp: The Flying Adventures
5-in-1 Arcade Hits

What’s your favorite content from this week’s update?
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