The Wonderful 101 Message Board older than one year ago

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The Wonderful 101 - review posted by GoNintendo Aug 19 2013 18:02 GMT
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A portion of an EDGE review...

The Wonderful 101 draws on ideas from Kamiya’s previous games – Viewtiful Joe’s cartoonish charm, Okami’s brushstroke mechanic, Bayonetta’s setpieces – but in concert they’re messy, hamstrung by cluttered visual design and a clumsy central mechanic. Stretched over a large frame, they wear thin quickly. There’s a good game in here, but it’s smothered by the need to conform to its host platform’s feature set, and a distorted concept of value for money.

Full review here
The Wonderful 101 - review posted by GoNintendo Aug 19 2013 16:56 GMT
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A portion of a Eurogamer review...

This is a love letter to childhood innocence, to that age where truth and justice and awesome costumes seem almost real, as well as the coolest things in the world. In that light, picking at it seems churlish, because The Wonderful 101 doesn't make you feel like a hero; it makes you feel like hundreds.

Full review here
The Wonderful 101 - review posted by GoNintendo Aug 19 2013 04:23 GMT
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A portion of Nintendo Life review...

It's not perfect, with some control quirks, fiddly moments and a multiplayer mode that feels tacked on, but so much about this title is thrilling. There's simply no other game on the market with such a focus on ridiculous fun - this really is a must-have title for the Wii U.

Full review here
The Wonderful 101 - review posted by GoNintendo Aug 19 2013 04:07 GMT
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A portion of a BlisteredThumbs review...

At its best, The Wonderful 101 is a simple game made overcomplicated. At its worst, it is nigh unplayable. I got up and walked away from the game several times out of frustration, which is something I very rarely do. There is beauty here, but it is only skin deep.

Full review here
The Wonderful 101 - Euro website update posted by GoNintendo Aug 12 2013 15:48 GMT
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The official European website for The Wonderful 101 has gotten a bit of a revamp, now featuring more screens, art and story details. Hit up the link below to have a look!
seven minute trailer
posted by Francis Aug 09 2013 15:18 GMT
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ranger black is a black kid
did these people learn nothing from power rangers