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Giant Bomb older than one year ago

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Saints Row: The Third Announced For Holiday Release
gameinformer.com posted by Giant Bomb Mar 03 2011 18:41 GMT in Saints Row: The Third
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THQ, in coordination with Game Informer magazine, have officially announced the third game in the Saints Row series. It’s called Saints Row: The Third, and while the first real bits of juicy information won’t see the light of day until a reveal in the upcoming April issue, GI digital had these interesting morsels to share: Saints Row: The Third will be set in a brand new city in which a battle will need to be waged against a seedy criminal organization called The Syndicate. Oh, and your Third Street Saints? Yeah, they're coming back.

“Saints Row: The Third puts you on top of the world, right at the beginning of the game, with all the perks that go along with being the head of an elite criminal organization,” said THQ VP Danny Bilson said in a sharp statement. “There’s no delivering pizza, no shuttling family members about in a long series of taxi missions. Instead, you take all the power of the Third Street Saints and you take the world by storm.”

Saints Row: The Third will see a release at some point this “holiday season” for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC.    
Maiq the Liar

This pleases me.