Who's watching the Academy Awards tonight? My prediction: Social Network sweeps awards, but doesn't win best actor (That will go to Colin Firth; I think Eisenburg should win, but that won't happen).
Posted by Lord Crump Feb 27 2011 19:25 GMT in Movies
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Toy Story 3 wins Best Picture.
Calling it now.
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Feb 27 2011 19:27 GMT
I think best picture might go to The King's Speech
Reply by Francis Feb 27 2011 20:16 GMT
I don't care because the world in general has horrible taste in movies and The Social Network pretty much proves my point. "hurr movie about my god faecbook must watch 10/10"
Reply by Fortran Feb 27 2011 20:28 GMT
err, it's not just "hurr a movie about facebook." Have you see the film?
Reply by Lord Crump Feb 27 2011 20:31 GMT
Nope and I don't plan on it.
Reply by Fortran Feb 27 2011 20:33 GMT
Reply by Lord Crump Feb 27 2011 20:34 GMT
Same reason I don't even join facebook. It's only popular because america is told to do it and they act without question.
Reply by Fortran Feb 27 2011 20:35 GMT

...but, again, it's not about Facebook. The film is popular because of its well-written script, excellent acting, and superb cinematography (Not to mention its glorious soundtrack). There's a thread I want you to read through; imagine, in this thread, that you're Phobos-Romulus. Read through the entire thing.


I'm posting this here because everything I could say in response to you has already been said, and far better. In short, you're missing out on a movie that you could potentially enjoy for either no reason at all or faulty reasons ("It's a facebook movie").

Reply by Lord Crump Feb 27 2011 20:39 GMT
It doesn't really matter how good it is. The ONLY thing I've ever heard about it from anyone was "yay facebook", it's popular for the same reason Twilight is popular. Retards love that shit so matter how good or bad it is. But if you say it's genuinely good then I won't say you're lying.
Reply by Fortran Feb 27 2011 20:43 GMT
The Social Network was good, but not Best Picture good
Reply by ©na Feb 27 2011 20:44 GMT
I don't think I've ever heard someone say they like the movie because "lol it's facebook I relate to it." I don't think those people are smart enough to actually like the movie.
I have heard countless people praise it for being a beautiful drama about friendship and betrayal, though (Which is a far more accurate description than "Facebook: The Movie").
Reply by Lord Crump Feb 27 2011 20:47 GMT
Also, Shadoo, seeing as the film is fictionalized enough as it is, they could've just replaced the name of the website in the film with "FriendSite," or something, and it still would've been the same film (Yet it would be lacking the sole element you're not interested in it for).
Reply by Lord Crump Feb 27 2011 20:52 GMT

The Social Network was more about anti-social college kid starts a billion dollar company.  Although it would not have been as successful if it wasn't sort of based on a true story.

It was very good, but I don't think it gets best picture.  I would reserve best picture for movies that do something really different and/or have a strong emotional impact on it's viewers.

Reply by Francis Feb 27 2011 20:54 GMT
It's either going to be King's Speech or Social Network. One group of film buffs is going to go in to extreme nerdrage no matter who wins. Because Oscars are sports.
Reply by Lord Crump Feb 27 2011 20:59 GMT
oh crump, we all missed your arguments
gnomio & juliet for best movie of all time
Reply by Slim Feb 27 2011 21:02 GMT
I think it is going to be The Fighter or The King's Speech
Reply by ©na Feb 27 2011 21:03 GMT
I'd like for 127 Hours to win.
Reply by Francis Feb 27 2011 21:11 GMT
"it's popular for the same reason Twilight is popular."
Shadoo confirmed for idiot/troll.
Reply by Popple Feb 27 2011 22:15 GMT
Reply by Fortran Feb 27 2011 22:30 GMT
MOON was really good, it portrayed the sense of isolation and how easily broken the human psyche is.
Reply by Super-Claus Feb 28 2011 00:33 GMT
Moon came out in 2009
Reply by Francis Feb 28 2011 01:03 GMT
Reply by Super-Claus Feb 28 2011 01:25 GMT
what do i get for winning
Reply by Francis Feb 28 2011 04:37 GMT
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