Flirting With Disaster: Section 8 Prejudice
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 22 2011 14:41 GMT in Section 8: Prejudice
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I’m trying to work out exactly what I think about the video below showing the studios at Timegate, as they work on Section 8: Prejudice. It’s certainly uncomfortable. But then it’s trying to be. It’s not exactly endearing toward women, but then it’s not to men either, and they’re obviously taking the piss. It’s certainly a unique approach to the usually excruciatingly boring behind-the-scenes videos we see of development studios. But I’m not convinced it’s the right one. It’s an insecure woman pretending to care about the game so she can flirt with the developers. Er. Oh, whatever they were trying to do, it doesn’t work.


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