New NBA Jam Downloading To HD Consoles This Fall
Posted by Giant Bomb Apr 06 2011 17:44 GMT in NBA Jam: On Fire Edition
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Development on the next NBA Jam is heating up. In a press release, EA Sports revealed NBA Jam: On Fire Edition, a proper follow-up to last year’s NBA Jam title for the Xbox 360 and PS3. In an ironic twist, EA has decided to make this one an actual downloadable game on both platforms--On Fire Edition will see releases on XBLA and PSN, just like its predecessor was supposed to before EA Sports scrapped NBA Elite 11 and turned Jam into a full retail release.

Just for a bit of reference here, NBA Jam for HD consoles was once a download attached to the purchase of NBA Elite 11, the long-awaited reboot of the NBA Live franchise. But when things went south for the new Elite and the project was canned, EA decided to drop NBA Jam on discs and then add in extra features via patch downloads. NBA Jam’s sole planned retail release was on the Wii, a platform the developer hasn’t mentioned at all in its On Fire announcement press release. 

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