OnLive giving away Amnesia for free today
Posted by Joystiq May 17 2011 22:00 GMT in Amnesia: The Dark Descent
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To celebrate the launch of Amnesia: The Dark Descent on OnLive today, the cloud-gaming service is offering a scary good deal until midnight ET tonight: Simply enter "THANKYOU" (all one word) in the "Redeem Promo Code" field in the checkout window and you'll be granted a full PlayPass for the game at no charge. In other words: Free game!

The catch? Actually playing Amensia could end up costing you your sanity.

[Thanks, Barney]


Onlive got no games
just explored their library, already have all the stuff on there I might want.
But I do like their feature where you can demo anything.
Reply by Super-Claus May 17 2011 21:56 GMT
Humble Indie Bundle gave Amnesia away for free twice.
Reply by Popple May 17 2011 21:57 GMT
it has a lot potential. Being able to play a game instantly is very compelling. Someone started watching me play and I assume we could chat about it too. Lag kinda kills it for multiplayer though.
Reply by Francis May 17 2011 22:00 GMT
I REALLY wish the library had a little more variety, but for such a new program I can see why they picked such popular games.
Reply by Super-Claus May 17 2011 22:10 GMT
when did the humble indie bundle give it away
i've got all of them and i do not see it
Reply by Viddd May 17 2011 22:17 GMT
1. It's the *crag*ing Humble Indie Bundle
2. They gave it to everyone who got the Humble Indie Bundle #2
Reply by Popple May 17 2011 22:28 GMT
pops, i'm looking at the humble indie bundle #2 right now, and it is not there
you're thinking of penumbra, aren't you
Reply by Viddd May 17 2011 22:34 GMT
*crag* I don't remember.
All I know is I got Amnesia on Steam and I don't remember buying it at full price.
Reply by Popple May 17 2011 23:36 GMT
All I know is I have amnesia on OnLive and it was free
Reply by Super-Claus May 17 2011 23:37 GMT
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