Reminder: LA reader meetup is tonight! Come play great games and accept our hugs!
Posted by Joystiq Jun 10 2011 20:30 GMT in Retro City Rampage
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E3 2011 has officially wrapped, folks. And though we've still got a mess of content to blow out over the coming days, we wanted to remind you that we've got a reader meetup tonight in downtown Los Angeles, and we'd be really upset if you weren't there. Like, many, many tears. The most tears.

You know who else will be disappointed? The cadre of great game developers we've got coming by with their great games. From the just announced Dance Central sequel to the retro gaming menagerie of Retro City Rampage, you could be seriously missing out. So hey, if you're in the Los Angeles area this evening, you're over 21 (sorry! seriously! we know it's super lame!), and you want to play a bunch of great video games while hanging out with the editors of Joystiq, we'd suggest clearing the hours of 5:30 to 9:00PM.

Head past the break for the entire list of games and details of the event location. We, we, we so excited!

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