Deadly Premonition walking backwards to UK Games on Demand next week
Posted by Joystiq Jun 29 2011 03:00 GMT in Deadly Premonition
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Eager to virtually explore the bizarre world of Agent York in Deadly Premonition, but can't seem to locate a hard copy of the cult hit? Rising Star Games has you covered, as the publisher plans to launch the title digitally through Xbox Live's Games on Demand service next week, on July 5, for an unannounced price -- at least in the UK. We've reached out to DP's North American publisher, Ignition Entertainment, to see if it's landing Stateside as well.

So, rather than spending July 5 sweating profusely, how about grabbing a piping hot cup of coffee, turning on the AC, and walking through the doors of perception with us? Don't worry, we'll bring the pie.

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