Content Wars: Origin/Steam Scuffle Unfolds
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 07 2011 11:03 GMT in Crysis 2
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We never got a proper answer about what it was the caused a few EA games – most noisily Crysis 2 – to vanish from Steam last month. Valve have kept entirely mum about their side of the story, but EA claim it was Valve wot did it, due to a mystery transgression of terms and conditions. Of course, all this rather neatly coincided with the launch of Origin, EA’s latest attempt at a PC game download service (now with extra social stuff).

Everyone was to blame, no-one was to blame, we all picked our villains and passive-aggressivley shook our e-fists at them, and then it went quiet again. Now, EA has broken cover to offer a little more – while the full explanation isn’t there, we’ve got some pretty strong hints as to just why a bunch of their big games were booted off Steam.(more…)

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