Crysis 2 Message Board

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Posted by Kotaku Jul 18 2013 05:00 GMT
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Dan Ghiordanescu is a concept artist who works at Travian Games, but who has previously lent his talents to projects like Crysis 2.Read more...

Posted by Joystiq Jan 15 2013 18:30 GMT
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Find yourself woefully bereft of high-powered super suits? Origin is running a deal on Crysis and Crysis 2, offering PC downloads of each for only $5. The deal ends today though, so suit up while the suitin's good.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Dec 21 2012 16:00 GMT
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Crysis 3 has taken on a strange, amorphous shape in my head. I’ve not really been following it closely enough to really say all that much about it, and having gone back to look at all the previous materials to post this video – including Nathan’s interview with Mr Crytek, in which he talks about a lot of things which are not Crysis 3 at all – I’m rather excited. I realise I am in a (handsome, intelligent and perceptive) minority in having had a great time in Crysis 2, but I can’t help feeling that Crytek’s mission is laudable. They really do want to make the shooter that covers everything, and is all things to all shooter-fans. Yerli’s quotes in that interview suggest he’s lost none of his ambition, and it’s clear that all kinds of concessions have to be made in projects of this magnitude. And the very least they are aiming high. This new footage, below, contains some spectacular moments. Go take a look.


Posted by Kotaku Oct 11 2012 12:30 GMT
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#crysis Crysis2 was pretty, but for hardcore PC types, in some ways it wasn't pretty enough. It didn't push the limits of fidelity in the same way its predecessor had. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 24 2012 17:30 GMT
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#halo You might not be sitting around thinking that Crysis 2 needs more Master Chief. Fair enough. But some intrepid modders are using the PC release of Crytek's alien invasion war game to stage their own version of Spartan-vs-Covenant action. They're calling it Venerance. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 30 2012 07:29 GMT
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Remember when Valve and EA didn’t see eye-to-eye last year over certain portions of Steam’s terms of service? First Crysis 2 managed to flub its camo and make a very loud exist from the download empire’s hallowed halls, and then Dragon Age 2 was like “Haha, guys, wasn’t that wild? Well, at least you still have me. Wait, never mind. Bye forever.” Speculation pinned the blame on Origin, but then, people have also been known to blame Origin for premature male pattern baldness and racism. The real reason, however, was never confirmed (though DLC policies implicated, but not explained), and the controversy slowly died down. Now, though, Crysis 2: Maximum Edition has suddenly reappeared on Steam. So, are the likes of Dragon Age 2, Battlefield 3, and Mass Effect 3 waiting in the wings? Well, it’s complicated.


Posted by Kotaku May 30 2012 00:40 GMT
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#steam Crysis 2, an EA-published game that disappeared from the popular PC gaming service Steam last year, returned today. More »

Posted by Kotaku Apr 28 2012 01:30 GMT
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#nova People give the mobile-game developer Gameloft guff for making games that are perhaps overly-"inspired" by other popular games. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 25 2012 09:30 GMT
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Many people set their furrowed brows to maximum anger (known in some places as a warface) and rallied against Crysis 2. I wasn’t one of them. It was, in many ways, a far more directed experience than Crysis 1, but it was still far from being Modern Warfare in a snazzy pair of robo-pants. That said, when word got out that Crysis 3 was aiming to get back in touch with the series’ more open roots, I may have done a little dance. But then, mid-awkward-convulsion-shuffle-step, I halted with a sudden sobering realization: could it all be too good to be true? Fortunately, this entire series of events took place at a Crysis 3 event in San Francisco yesterday, so I immediately turned and asked director of creative development Rasmus Hojengaard. Here’s what he told me.


Posted by Giant Bomb Apr 11 2012 15:34 GMT
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As with all blockbuster franchises that people generally like (or are at least indifferent toward), the question surrounding the unveiling of next entry in Crytek's rather popular Crysis series wasn't so much one of "if" as "when." The answer? Right now! Sort of.

The odds of that price sticking are...poor, at best. But that bow is pretty bitchin', right?

Though it hasn't been officially announced just yet, Crysis 2 publisher EA inadvertently let the nanotechnology-enhanced cat out of the alien infested bag a tad early last night, putting up a page for the game on the company's Origin system before quickly pulling it down. Not quick enough, however, as the Internet, ever-watching as it is, managed to snag the relevant screenshots before EA went into "pretend this doesn't exist" mode.

The listing has only been verified via screenshot (and the $49.99 price point for all versions listed suggests this was either an inaccurate test page or just a flat-out lie), but the likelihood of the game's existence stems from other evidence as well. CVG teased a major new project from Crytek just a month ago, and Swedish video game magazine Game Reactor has been teasing a cover for its forthcoming issue that would seem to point toward a new Crysis franchise entry.

All of this should, of course, be taken with a grain of salt until EA sends out an official press release of some kind, or at least until someone can verify that Game Reactor cover story. That said, the idea of a Crysis 3 existing isn't exactly hard to believe. Now, if you'd said that Crytek was finally going to be unveiling TimeSplitters 4, then I might have a little trouble believing you. But this? It's practically a foregone conclusion. (Sorry, TimeSplitters fans.)

Posted by Joystiq Jan 13 2012 18:50 GMT
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This week's PlayStation Blogcast revealed that Ico and Shadow of the Colossus will be available next Tuesday, January 17, through the PlayStation Network. Regularly priced $40 at retail as a bundle, the two games will be $20 apiece on the PSN.

Other retail games being added to the PSN next week include Crysis 2 for $40, along with Tom Clancy titles Rainbow Six Vegas and Splinter Cell: Double Agent for $20 each.

If the idea of touching discs has held you back from Ico or Shadow of the Colossus, now's the time to check out these artistic milestones.

Posted by Joystiq Jan 04 2012 04:59 GMT
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Who pillaged the most booty in 2011? Which vessel had the most ornate mast? ... Wait, we've got it all wrong -- these aren't the pirate pirate awards for 2011, they're the most pirated games of the year. Can you guess which game took top ... um ... "honors?"

TorrentFreak estimates that Crysis 2 was downloaded 3.9 million times over BitTorrent since March, edging out Modern Warfare 3, which was downloaded an estimated 3.6 million times since November. Taking third place was Battlefield 3 with an estimated 3.5 million downloads. Rounding out the top five on the PC side were FIFA 12 and Portal 2.

There are also estimated figures for Xbox 360 and Wii games -- Gears of War 3 and Super Mario Galaxy 2 were the most pirated games with 890,000 and 1.2 million estimated downloads, respectively.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Dec 16 2011 16:53 GMT
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This is probably old news to you, but it’s new news to me and my ancient Egyptian ancestors told me during my hypnotherapy that the entire universe is just a figment of my imagination, therefore I can post it if I please and if you moan it’s only because I’m imagining someone moaning. Cloud gaming tech Gaikai has been offering streaming demos of various games – most notably Dead Space 2 and Mass Effect 2 – here and there for a while now, but I’ve just discovered that, over on Eurogamer, you can jump into browser-based slices of Crysis 2, Magicka, FIFA 12 and the Witcher 2.

Update: omigodomigodomigod. There are more demos on the Gaikai site. Including FARMING SIMULATOR. Yes!(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Nov 24 2011 06:30 GMT
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#cryengine3 Even if you have zero interest in sunk ships or James Cameron movies, you need to see this video of the interior of the Titanic, built using CryEngine 3. It's as amazing as it is shiny. More »

Posted by Joystiq Nov 09 2011 19:00 GMT
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It's not unusual to find good deals on GameFly's free shipping page, but $10 for Crysis 2 is a great deal by any stretch. GameFly is offering several other titles on the cheap as well, including the PS3 version of Portal 2 for $16.19 ($18 on Xbox), Alan Wake for $12, Duke Nukem Forever or Red Faction: Armageddon for $9. You can even snag Dead Space 2, Bulletstorm, Dragon Age 2, FEAR 3 and several other for under $20 each.

And, as the name of the "free shipping" page suggests, shipping is free.

Posted by Kotaku Sep 23 2011 16:00 GMT
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#crysis The original 2007 Crysis has a benchmark-y quality to it. It is no longer the Best-Looking PC Game In The World, but it retains some of that "must-have" mystique nonetheless. Perhaps it's because it's one of only a few hardcore first-person shooters that has never been ported to consoles. But every time one of my console-playing friends builds a new gaming PC, first thing he or she does is go straight to Steam and download the game. More »

Posted by Kotaku Sep 20 2011 19:00 GMT
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#homefront Is the new Homefront necessary? Pardon that imprudent question, but when a man is drowning in a sea of first-person shooters, may he question the next bucket? More »

Posted by Kotaku Sep 05 2011 19:00 GMT
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#fineart That Darth Vader line has always creeped me out a little. This stuff, though, featuring a pair of storyboard artists working in the games industry, does nothing of the sort. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 05 2011 09:11 GMT
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Rumours emerged this weekend that all isn’t happy-times at Crytek. The Crysis developer has been accused of mistreating staff, and sacking employees unlawfully, the accusations appearing on a Tumblr blog. But these are accusations Crytek’s co-founder Avni Yerli has rushed to deny, speaking to Develop. Amid suggestions that six-month crunch periods leave employees not knowing if they will still have a job, Yerli insists that Crytek respects and values staff.


Posted by Kotaku Sep 02 2011 11:00 GMT
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#fineart Today at Fine Art we're looking at the work of Daniel Rizea, who in the last few years has provided art for games like Crysis, Crysis 2 and Crytek's upcoming fantasy title Ryse. More »

Posted by Kotaku Aug 23 2011 21:00 GMT
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#earthquake Earthquakes are great and terrible forces, destroying homes, claiming lives, and reminding humanity as a whole that this planet we crawl across isn't as solid as it seems. The east coast of the U.S. found that out today. For the rest of us, there are video games. More »

Posted by Joystiq Aug 17 2011 22:10 GMT
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Above: An early, work-in-progress screenshot of Joystiq Publishing's atmospheric and haunting adventure, Fears for Spheres. We just whipped it up in the last 20 minutes with the aid of the CryEngine 3 SDK, which is now available for free from the CryDev website.

With access to the engine that powered Crysis 2, as well as the CryEngine 3 Sandbox level editor, we've been able to breathe perfectly lit life into our artistic (and non-commercial) endeavor. If we were trying to impart some educational information in a classroom, developer Crytek wouldn't charge us a cent either. (A very competitive stance, considering the Unreal Development Kit is free as well.)

Though this SDK has helped us to quickly arrange terrain, AI and textures, the central "narrative" -- as they say -- of Fears for Spheres has been years in the making.

Embark on the tragic journey of Borb, the reflective amnesiac sphere, cursed to wander/wonder through a fantasy realm in search of his true purpose. "Who am I?" he asks a traveler in passing. "I know not," comes the reply, "but you have shown me much of myself today. Such is your thankless existence."

Posted by Kotaku Jul 28 2011 15:20 GMT
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#speakuponkotaku In today's laser-targeted edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Petey 2 Kold has an issue with Crysis 2 on the PlayStation 3, and would like to make developer Crytek aware of it. Have at them, Petey 2. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 07 2011 11:03 GMT
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We never got a proper answer about what it was the caused a few EA games – most noisily Crysis 2 – to vanish from Steam last month. Valve have kept entirely mum about their side of the story, but EA claim it was Valve wot did it, due to a mystery transgression of terms and conditions. Of course, all this rather neatly coincided with the launch of Origin, EA’s latest attempt at a PC game download service (now with extra social stuff).

Everyone was to blame, no-one was to blame, we all picked our villains and passive-aggressivley shook our e-fists at them, and then it went quiet again. Now, EA has broken cover to offer a little more – while the full explanation isn’t there, we’ve got some pretty strong hints as to just why a bunch of their big games were booted off Steam.(more…)

Posted by IGN Jul 07 2011 01:17 GMT
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Crytek recently patching in DirectX 11 support into Crysis 2, causing many a dedicated PC gamer to load the game up and see how much has changed. Is there really that much of a difference between Crysis 2 as it was and Crysis 2 as it is now? We put together a video comparing Crysis 2 pre-patch and Crysis 2 with DX11 on, high resolution textures enabled, and all settings bumped to Ultra...

Posted by Kotaku Jul 05 2011 05:00 GMT
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#thankthemaker Crytek are the developers behind the original Far Cry, Crysis, Crysis 2 and the Cryengine. They could also, but for the grace of God, have been bought out by Microsoft. More »

Posted by Kotaku Jul 01 2011 12:00 GMT
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#identitycrysis Today, the South Korea GRB (Game Rating Board) apparently approved Crysis for the Xbox 360. Crysis has not been released on the Xbox 360. It's a Windows-only title. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 30 2011 11:23 GMT
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Attention modders! Hot on the heals of the recent DX11 patch, the Crysis 2 Editor is now available (with a bunch of other tools) to download at and, which was named after a fairly strong-handed self-help book expounding advanced military weaponry over sit-ins with your therapist. The Crysis mod scene came up with some properly fantastic stuff, and armed with all the tech and tools of the bleeding now, the CryEngine looks like it’s got it’s work cut out for it as all those artist types take full advantage of the “Make It More Shiny, My Portfolio Isn’t As Bright As The Sun Yet” buttons.

The official documentation is hiding under cloak over here. He’s shy and wonders what to do with his hands alot, but he’s gradually overcoming his public speaking issues.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 27 2011 21:40 GMT
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#gallery Don't know your parallax occlusion mapping from your custom shape based bokeh depth of field effects? Don't worry about it! Crytek, maker of Crysis 2, illustrates what new tessellation and displacement mapping technology, part of the game's new "Ultra Upgrade" pack, means for you, PC gamer. More »

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 27 2011 21:56 GMT
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See Crysis 2's PC version now fueled by DirectX11!