This time, I'm the dungeon master. We voted, and decided to play 3.5. As far as I can tell, three players have signed up already. Use the link for character creation. I want you to stick with races, classes and spells from the following sourcebooks:
Complete Adventurer
Complete Arcane
Complete Divine
Complete Psionic
Complete Warrior
Expanded Psionics Handbook
Dungeon Master's Guide 3.5
Dungeon Master's Guide II
Monster Manual 3.5
Monster Manual II
Monster Manual III
Player's Handbook 3.5
Player's Handbook II
Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords
Most Forgotten Realms material
You may use any race that is outlined in those books, so long as it has stats for player characters and does not have a level adjustment of more than +0. If you don't want Psionics in the campaign, get a few people to bitch at me enough and I'll ban it.
Current Players With Approved Characters:
Tails Doll
Concession: You may play as a race with a +1 LA, but it most be approved by me. Anything with +0 from the selected sourcebooks is perfectly fine
Note: Should you die, instead of seeking resurrection you may reroll a new character with an ECL equal to the deceased minus one. Should your character have been, say, a level 5 elf fighter, you can reroll as a level 2 Drow (+2 LA) wizard.
We are playing the DnDs.
If you folks want in, post in Flav's topic
On second thought, everything with +2 or higher needs approval when you are re-rolling. +1s are perfectly fine when re-rolling, but still need approval upon creation
I'm just saying that the option to reroll is open.
Ravuel Hillborne
Male Half-Elf Evoker 1
True Neutral
Representing RaveRaze
Specialty: Evocation
Gave up: Abjuration Necromancy
Total Hit Points: 5
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 11 = 10 +1 [dexterity]
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag:
39-76 lb.
77-115 lb.
115 lb.
230 lb.
575 lb.
Dagger [1d4, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing]
Raven familiar
* = check penalty for wearing armor
If the familiar is within reach, +2 on spot and listen ("alertness").
Zero-level Evoker spells: 4 (3+1) per day
First-level Evoker spells: 3 (1+1+1) per day
Wizard (Evoker):
Ravuel Hillborne's Equipment:
2 lb
5 lb
1 lb
10 lb
10 lb
4 lb
3 lb
36 lb
Ink vial
Ink pen
Lamp (common)
Paper sheets x5
Rations (1 day) x10
Rope (50', hempen) x1
Waterskins x1
Spellbook x1
Raven familiar: Str 1 Dex 15 Con 10 Int 6 Wis 14 Chr 6; Hit points: 2; Initiative +2 (dex); Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average); AC: 15 (+2 size, +2 dex, +1 level); Claws +4 melee 1d2-5 Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4, Listen +6, Spot +6; speaks one character language Alertness feat when in arm's reach; improved evasion; share spells; empathic link;
More about Ravuel Hillborne:
Ravuel was born into a bastardized family with his father having left his mother to return to his elven village. He grew up in a village that hated him and his mixed blood. He grew disdainful of humans and to this day despises him. When he was 12 he ran away from his village to join his elven brethren to find some acceptance hopefully in their arms. He was captured and had his belongings stolen by a passing group of elven bandits. Left to die in the woods, hating even his own kind as well, a passing wizard took him in and brought him to his university. There he learned the arts of magic and was raised by his fellow wizards and teachers. He grew passionate over the art of evokation skipping his abjuration classes to learn more. He like most wizards also has little to no knowledge on the actual practice of necromancy. After graduating from the university he left to go and learn more of the various magics that filled the world and to do that he joined an adventuring party.
Spell list
Level 0
Level 1
Mage Armor: Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Level 0
Level 0
Level 0
Level 1
Magic Missile: 1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5).
Shocking Grasp: Touch delivers 1d6/level electricity damage (max 5d6).
Burning Hands: 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4).
Level 0
Level 0
Level 1
Enlarge Person: Humanoid creature doubles in size.
Reduce Person: Humanoid creature halves in size.
Level 0
Female Air Mephling Bard 1
Chaotic Neutral
Representing K.
Strength 13 (+1)
Dexterity 18 (+4)
Constitution 15 (+2)
Intelligence 15 (+2)
Wisdom 9 (-1)
Charisma 18 (+4)
Size: Small
Height: 3' 4"
Weight: 36 lb
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Violet
Hair: White Wavy
Total Hit Points: 8
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 15 = 10 +4 [dexterity] +1 [small]
Touch AC: 15
Flat-footed: 11
Initiative modifier: +4 = +4 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: +2 = 0 [base] +2 [constitution]
Reflex save: +6 = 2 [base] +4 [dexterity]
Will save: +1 = 2 [base] -1 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): +2 = 0 [base] +1 [strength] +1 [small]
Attack (unarmed): +2 = 0 [base] +1 [strength] +1 [small]
Attack (missile): +5 = 0 [base] +4 [dexterity] +1 [small]
Grapple check: -3 = 0 [base] +1 [strength] -4 [small]
Light load:
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag:
38 lb. or less
38-75 lb.
76-113 lb.
113 lb.
225 lb.
563 lb.
Languages: Aquan Auran Common Illithid (Mind Flayer) Ignan
Shortbow [1d4, crit x3, range inc. 60 ft., 1 lb., piercing]
Whip [1d2 (nonlethal), crit x2, 1 lb., one-handed, slashing]
Substance Addiction [flaw; hand-edit as needed]
Insomnia [flaw; hand-edit as needed]
Jack of All Trades [hand-edit as needed]
Skill Name
Appraise Int 2 =
Balance Dex* 4 =
Bluff Cha 8 =
Climb Str* 1 =
Concentration Con 2 =
Craft_1 Int 2 =
Craft_2 Int 2 =
Craft_3 Int 2 =
Diplomacy Cha 7 =
Disguise Cha 4 =
Escape Artist Dex* 4 =
Forgery Int 2 =
Gather Information Cha 5 =
Heal Wis -1 =
Hide Dex* 9 =
+1 +4 [small]
Intimidate Cha 4 =
Jump Str* 1 =
Knowledge (arcana) Int 3 =
Knowledge (geography) Int 3 =
Knowledge (history) Int 6 =
Knowledge (local) Int 4 =
Knowledge (nature) Int 3 =
Knowledge (planes) Int 3 =
Listen Wis 0 =
Move Silently Dex* 4 =
Perform_1 Cha 8 =
Perform_2 Cha 8 =
Perform_3 Cha 4 =
Perform_4 Cha 4 =
Perform_5 Cha 4 =
Ride Dex 4 =
Search Int 2 =
Sense Motive Wis -1 =
Sleight of Hand Dex* 5 =
Spellcraft Int 3 =
Spot Wis -1 =
Survival Wis -1 =
Swim Str** 1 =
Use Magic Device Cha 5 =
Use Rope Dex 4 =
* = check penalty for wearing armor
This character also has 1 ranks in Speak Languages.
Zero-level Bard spells: 2 per day
Planar Handbook character race.
Bardic Knowledge
Bardic Music
Can know only limited numbers of spells
High charisma gains bonus spells daily
Class HP rolled
Level 1: Bard 6
Bardella 's Equipment:
2 lb
6 lb
2 lb
1 lb
1 lb
5 lb
2 lb
1 lb
1 lb
1 lb
1 lb
1 lb
1 lb
1 lb
2 lb
28 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
Arrows (quiver of 20) x2
Blanket, winter x1
Fishing net
Flasks x1
Ink vial
Ink pen
Lamp (common)
Pouch x1
Rations (1 day) x2
Sacks x1
Magnifying glass
Musical instrument
Spell component pouch
More about Bardella :
Flaws. All of them. Filler aaaaaaaaaa
>Flaws. All of them
No, you are not playing a *crag*ing werewolf
We also already have a Wizard. Roll up something else
Male Halfling Rogue 1
Chaotic Neutral
Total Hit Points: 7
Speed: 20 feet
Armor Class: 17 = 10 +1 [padded] +5 [dexterity] +1 [small]
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag:
26-50 lb.
50-75 lb.
75 lb.
150 lb.
375 lb.
Dagger [1d3, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1/2 lb., light, piercing]
Sap [1d4 nonlethal, crit x2., 1 lb., light, bludgeoning]
Padded armor [light; +1 AC; max dex +8; check penalty 0; 5 lb.]
* = check penalty for wearing armor
Modok Swiftfoot's Equipment:
2 lb
5 lb
1 lb
15 lb
Thieves' tools
Modok grew up in the slums of The Shire where he witnessed the murder of his parents by a common mugger. His parents weren't rich though so instead of becoming Batman, he picked a rogue class and learned to steal to survive. He was picked up by an adventuring party after he showed them a neat card trick where he stole all their money
Kano Yoshihiko (here is his picture)
Male Human Monk 1
Lawful Good
Representing Tee Dee
Strength 18 (+4)
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Constitution 17 (+3)
Intelligence 16 (+3)
Wisdom 12 (+1)
Charisma 13 (+1)
Size: Medium
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 210 lb
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Skin: Pale
Total Hit Points: 11
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 12 = 10 + 1 [dexterity] +1 [wisdom]
Touch AC: 12
Flat-footed: 11
Initiative modifier: + 1 = + 1 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: + 5 = 2 [base] + 3 [constitution]
Reflex save: + 5 = 2 [base] + 1 [dexterity] + 2 [lightning reflexes]
Will save: + 3 = 2 [base] + 1 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): + 4 = 0 [base] + 4 [strength]
Flurry of Blows: + 2/ + 2 [includes strength modifier]
Attack (missile): + 1 = 0 [base] + 1 [dexterity]
Grapple check: + 4 = 0 [base] + 4 [strength]
Light load:
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag: 100 lb. or less
101-200 lb.
201-300 lb.
300 lb.
600 lb.
1500 lb.
Languages: Common Dwarven Elven Giant
Unarmed Damage: 1d6 +4 [strength]
Hand Axe [1d6, crit x3, crit x2., 3 lb., light, slashing]
Nanchaku [1d6 crit x2, 2 lb., light, bludgeoning]
Feats:Improved Unarmed Strike [monk]
Improved Grapple [monk]
Lightning Reflexes
Martial Weapon Proficiency Weapon:
Skill Name Key
Ability Skill
Modifier Ability
Modifier Ranks Misc.
Appraise Int 3 = +3
Balance Dex* 3 = +1 + 2
Bluff Cha 2 = +1 + 1
Climb Str* 7 = +4 + 3
Concentration Con 7 = +3 + 4
Craft_1 Int 3 = +3
Craft_2 Int 3 = +3
Craft_3 Int 3 = +3
Diplomacy Cha 2 = +1 + 1
Disguise Cha 1 = +1
Escape Artist Dex* 1 = +1
Forgery Int 3 = +3
Gather Information Cha 3 = +1 + 2
Heal Wis 1 = +1
Hide Dex* 2 = +1 + 1
Intimidate Cha 1 = +1
Jump Str* 8 = +4 + 4
Knowledge (nature) Int 3.5 = +3 + 0.5
Knowledge (religion) Int 5 = +3 + 2
Knowledge (planes) Int 4 = +3 + 1
Listen Wis 2 = +1 + 1
Move Silently Dex* 2 = +1 + 1
Perform_1 Cha 1 = +1
Perform_2 Cha 1 = +1
Perform_3 Cha 1 = +1
Perform_4 Cha 1 = +1
Perform_5 Cha 1 = +1
Ride Dex 1 = +1
Search Int 3 = +3
Sense Motive Wis 3 = +1 + 2
Spot Wis 1 = +1
Survival Wis 1 = +1
Swim Str** 6 = +4 + 2
Tumble Dex* 3 = +1 + 2
Use Rope Dex 1 = +1
* = check penalty for wearing armor
Extra feat at first level (already included)
Four extra skill points at first level (already included)
One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)
AC Bonus for Wisdom
AC Bonus for level (begins level 5)
Flurry of Blows
Unarmed Strike
Bonus Feats (levels 1 2 & 6)
Evasion (level 2)
Fast Movement (level 3)
Still Mind level 3)
Ki Strike (level 4)
Slow Fall (level 4)
Purity of Body (level 5)
Wholeness of Body (level 7)
Improved Evasion (level 9)
Diamond Body (level 11)
Quivering Palm (level 15)
Timeless Body (level 17)
Tongue of Sun and Moon (level 17)
Empty Body (level 19)
Perfect Self (level 20)
Class HP rolled
Level 1: Monk 8
Kano Yoshihiko's Equipment:
5 lb
2 lb
5 lb
6 lb
25 lb
1 lb
8 lb
10 lb
2 lb
5 lb
69 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
Blanket, winter x2
Ink vial
Ink pen
Lamp (common)
Paper sheets x10
Rations (1 day) x2
Climber's kit
More about Kano Yoshihiko:
A monk from an eastern region called Parepori, Kano Yoshihiko was renowned for his skill in bare-handed combat, which he had set his life around after the sudden death of his wife and daughter to disease. Once he felt he was skilled enough in his art, he set up a dojo in his town, where he adopted and taught several homeless children whom he all saw great potential in.
Through the years, they all honed their skills and fought crime throughout Parepori, which got the attention of a larger, rival school. Kano beaten several of the rival school's students as punishment for harassing and threatening the townsfolk, which insulted them greatly.
After he fought the rival students, Kano returned to his dojo in the middle of the nighttime, only to find it ablaze. He was helpless to save his students, who were slowly dying of multiple gunshot wounds. The only survivor, Hadano, was violated by the invaders, and ultimately, she was the only student who survived the attack. Kano Yoshihiko's heart was filled with rage over the incident, and he vowed to get revenge on the rival school for their atrocities. He and Hadano made a two man assault on the rival school, defeating the various fighters in their way, until they confronted and killed the leader of the rival school.
Kano and Hadano's exploits unfortunately resolved little, as the rival school had connections with the Daimyo who ruled Parepori. With feudal soldiers after them both, Kano and Hadano were forced to flee Parepori on a merchant ship.Yet another tragedy in Kano's travels occurred when the merchant ship was attacked by pirates just as they reached the shores of another continent. Li was kidnapped by surprise, and the pirates took off with her.
Kano was alone, and without the only inheritor of his martial art. In the years after, a middle-aged Kano lived away from society, still a powerful monk, but he lost many of his former skills with age and disuse. Eventually, Kano met a group of adventurers, who could see he still had much strength and courage within him as a monk, and he joined them.
I'm new to this thing so please tell me if I'm doing something wrong. :) If you are not impressed by the backstory I will tear you a new ass so bad you'll wish you just stuck to playing Monopoly.
Male Halfling Rogue 1
Chaotic Neutral
Representing DBA
Total Hit Points: 7
Speed: 20 feet
Armor Class: 16 = 10 +5 [dexterity] +1 [small]
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag:
26-50 lb.
50-75 lb.
75 lb.
150 lb.
375 lb.
Dagger [1d3, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1/2 lb., light, piercing]
Sap [1d4 nonlethal, crit x2., 1 lb., light, bludgeoning]
* = check penalty for wearing armor
Modok Swiftfoot's Equipment:
2 lb
1 lb
2 lb
5 lb
2 lb
1 lb
15 lb
Disguise kit
Thieves' tools
Modok grew up in the slums of The Shire. He lived with his parents in a cramped grassy knoll with very little to call their own. One night their measly village was attacked by raiders and Modok's family was forced to flee to an Orcish city. They slept on the cold stone floor of vacant alley's and it wasn't long before a scrawny looking Orc killed Modok's parents right in front of him for their two copper pieces. Modok's father had hidden him in a barrel without the Orc noticing. Seeing no justice in the world, Modok turned to a life of crime, swindling people out of their money and picking countless pockets to survive. He quickly realized the power of speech as the Orc's were easy enough to trick. As soon as the opportunity presented himself, he relocated to a human city where he further honed his skills in thievery and speech. After a few years Modok was sick of the city he dweled in. It was at this time a group of adventurers were passing through. Seizing the opportunity that lay before him Modok approached the adventurers and whilst performing some magic tricks he had robbed them of all the money they had in their pockets. When they went to stay at an Inn for the night they discovered they had been robbed some time while they were in the city. Modok stepped in and offered to cover their expenses if they would take him along in their journeys.
repost in not *crag*ed up format
Bardella the Robust
Female Air Mephling Bard 1
Chaotic Neutral
Representing K.
Total Hit Points: 8
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 15 = 10 +4 [dexterity] +1 [small]
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag:
38-75 lb.
76-113 lb.
113 lb.
225 lb.
563 lb.
Shortbow [1d4, crit x3, range inc. 60 ft., 1 lb., piercing]
Whip [1d2 (nonlethal), crit x2, 1 lb., one-handed, slashing]
* = check penalty for wearing armor
This character also has 1 ranks in Speak Languages.
Zero-level Bard spells: 2 per day
Bardella 's Equipment:
6 lb
2 lb
1 lb
1 lb
5 lb
2 lb
1 lb
1 lb
1 lb
1 lb
1 lb
1 lb
1 lb
2 lb
28 lb
Arrows (quiver of 20) x2
Blanket, winter x1
Fishing net
Flasks x1
Ink vial
Ink pen
Lamp (common)
Pouch x1
Rations (1 day) x2
Sacks x1
Magnifying glass
Musical instrument
Spell component pouch
Flaws. All of them. Filler aaaaaaaaaa
Male Thri-Kreen Monstrous Humanoid 1
Chaotic Neutral
Representing Popple
Strength 19 (+4)
Dexterity 21 (+5)
Constitution 10 (+0)
Intelligence 12 (+1)
Wisdom 15 (+2)
Charisma 12 (+1)
Size: Medium
Height: 7' 2"
Weight: 240 lb
Skin: Yellow
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
Total Hit Points: 8
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 18 = 10 +5 [dexterity] +3 [thri-kreen]
Touch AC: 15
Flat-footed: 13
Initiative modifier: +5 = +5 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: +0 = 0 [base]
Reflex save: +7 = 2 [base] +5 [dexterity]
Will save: +4 = 2 [base] +2 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): +5 = 1 [base] +4 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +5 = 1 [base] +4 [strength]
Attack (missile): +6 = 1 [base] +5 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +5 = 1 [base] +4 [strength]
Light load:
Medium load:
Heavy load:
Lift over head:
Lift off ground:
Push or drag: 116 lb. or less
117-233 lb.
234-350 lb.
350 lb.
700 lb.
1750 lb.
Languages: Common Thri-Kreen Elven
Gythka [2d6/2d6, crit x2, 25 lb, slashing]
Chatkcha [1d6, crit x2, 3 lb, light, piercing]
Deflect Arrows [free to thri-kreen]
Skill Name Key
Ability Skill
Modifier Ability
Modifier Ranks Misc.
Appraise Int 1 = +1
Balance Dex* 5 = +5
Bluff Cha 1 = +1
Climb Str* 4 = +4
Concentration Con 0 = +0
Craft_1 Int 1 = +1
Craft_2 Int 1 = +1
Craft_3 Int 1 = +1
Diplomacy Cha 1 = +1
Disguise Cha 5 = +1 +4
Escape Artist Dex* 9 = +5 +4
Forgery Int 1 = +1
Gather Information Cha 5 = +1 +4
Heal Wis 2 = +2
Hide Dex* 5 = +5
Intimidate Cha 5 = +1 +4
Jump Str* 34 = +4 +30 [thri-kreen]
Knowledge (dungeoneering) Int 3 = +1 +2
Knowledge (geography) Int 3 = +1 +2
Knowledge (nature) Int 3 = +1 +2
Listen Wis 6 = +2 +4
Move Silently Dex* 9 = +5 +4
Open Lock Dex 9 = +5 +4
Perform_1 Cha 1 = +1
Perform_2 Cha 1 = +1
Perform_3 Cha 1 = +1
Perform_4 Cha 1 = +1
Perform_5 Cha 1 = +1
Ride Dex 5 = +5
Search Int 5 = +1 +4
Sense Motive Wis 6 = +2 +4
Spot Wis 2 = +2
Survival Wis 6 = +2 +4
Swim Str** 4 = +4
Tumble Dex* 9 = +5 +4
Use Rope Dex 5 = +5
* = check penalty for wearing armor
Thri-Kreen (Mantis Warrior):
• +2 strength +4 dexterity -2 intelligence +2 wisdom -4 charisma
• May claw 1d4+1+ strength bonus x4 (if multiattack), plus bite at -5 to hit 1d4+half strength bonus
• Bite causes paralysis 2d6 minutes, 1/day, fort. save DC11
• Free "deflect arrows" feat
• Ask your referee about psionic powers.
• +4 to hide in the desert
• Do not sleep; immune to sleep magic
• Skill points/humanoid level=intelligence
• Level adjustment +3
• I set humanoid attacks, will & reflex saves to good
Class HP rolled
Level 1: Humanoid 8
1 Power Points/Day:
1 [racial]
Ka'dre's Equipment:
28 lb
20 lb
8 lb
1 lb
57 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
Flint and steel
Rope (50', hempen) x2
Disguise kit
Thieves' tools
More about Ka'dre:
Need Campaign info.
I thought I already said that. Whatever, we're doing this. Approved.