Spoiler zone: The complete Resistance 3 trophy list
Posted by Joystiq Aug 20 2011 19:30 GMT in Resistance 3
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We were as surprised as anyone to learn that Resistance 3's single-player campaign is compelling and well done, and that its multiplayer is engaging and fairly enjoyable as well, but so far that certainly seems to be the case. No one will know for sure until the xenophobic shooter's September 6 release, of course, but for now we'd go so far as to say that we're actually excited for the release of a Resistance game.

Targeting the completionist lobe of our perfectionism cortex, Insomniac has released the title's official trophy list, concealed after the break. It gives some spoilerific hints as to which bugs we'll be killing and where, so those of you looking to start the game with a mind as pure as the driven snow should take heed.

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