Ms. 'Splosion Man challenge round two features Fruit 'Friend'
Posted by Joystiq Sep 07 2011 00:00 GMT in Ms. 'Splosion Man
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Listen, Penny Arcade's Fruit F**cker certainly isn't a "friend" to fruit, though we can understand the need to tone down the juicing robot's vile moniker for more tender audiences. It turns out he's not a friend to Ms. 'Splosion Man either, as he now appears in a new challenge level for Twisted Pixel's latest 'sploderific opus.

The challenge level is available now -- handily offered without needing a special download -- and is littered with 9 of the little buggers. The challenge level is open until September 11, and the three players who walk away with the highest scores will receive a prize pack filled with Twisted Pixel and Penny Arcade goodies.

We're not sure if said prize packs include a Fruit "Friend," but you might want to hide your produce just in case.

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