Intelligent Design: Primal Carnage Footage
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 15 2011 11:49 GMT in Primal Carnage
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There’s a museum in Kentucky entirely dedicated to promulgating a literal interpretation of the Genesis poem to the masses. And a big part of that, for these hardcore Creationists, is insisting that dinosaurs and humans co-existed. So sure, you might want to weep and tear your clothes at the countless millions of dollars being spent on a temple dedicated to spreading what most would consider ignorance. But then at the same time, this is a place that explains there were dinosaurs on Noah’s ark. Which is almost too good a mad thing to not exist in the world.

Although you could argue that money could have been spent helping the poor and needy, with everyone involved instead watching trailers for Primal Carnage. The latest of which is below.


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