PS Vita is region-free
Posted by Joystiq Sep 17 2011 01:30 GMT in NGP
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The PS Vita will officially be region-free, as tweeted by Sony Computer Entertainment's president of Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida (@yosp). Asked if it has been confirmed that Vita is region-free, Shuhei tweeted, "Yes, it is." And on the seventh day, there was confirmation.

Vita will drop on December 17 in Japan, at $390 for the 3G model or $325 for wi-fi only -- with no region locks, this means American and European buyers can order the Japanese version and have it before any of their lame, Vita-less friends. And then when those friends tell them to get a life, they can hold up their Vitas and say, "I already have one." And then they'll have no friends, especially if they tell them this joke.

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