Rock of Ages Updated
Posted by Valve Oct 06 2011 21:42 GMT in Rock of Ages
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Updates to Rock of Ages have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

- Fixed transition freeze occurring on some systems during loading sequences.
- Removed exploit where building units on top of the adversary preset structures earned you gold.
- Added text chat interface for online matches (default key t).
- Implemented TNT shockwave combo offensive move. Triggering TNT with a projectile produces a shockwave blast that covers a larger area.
- Added a new achievement for successfully using the TNT shockwave combo.
- Added 3 new achievements for destroying the enemy boulder layers.
- Added the new Bosses boulder skin which is unlocked after obtaining the Obliterator achievement .
- Increased Ballista projectile speed from 3000 to 4000.

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