Deja Review: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Posted by Joystiq Nov 15 2011 21:30 GMT in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
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We're of the firm opinion that your time is too precious, too valuable to be spent reading a full review for a game that was already reviewed many, many years ago. What's the point of applying a score to a game that's old enough to be enrolled in the sixth grade? That's why we invented Deja Review: A quick look at the new features and relative agelessness of remade, revived and re-released games. If you've never played a Metal Gear Solid game before, the slogan "tactical stealth espionage" probably doesn't evoke memories of baffling sci-fi plots, ludicrous boss fights and the occasional bit of fourth wall humor. For the rest of us, Metal Gear Solid stands as one of the strangest and most iconic franchises of the last generation.

The Metal Gear Solid HD Collection wrangles together updated versions of Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater for the first time in high definition. Also included is a console version of the Playstation Portable title, Peace Walker. Add to that the original MSX2 versions of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2, all for ten dollars less than the price of a standard console game, and you've got a collection approaching Orange Box levels of value.

And while what's included in this anthology is quite impressive, it's the elements that are missing in action that tend to stick out.

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