Franis 3 Needs Artists
Posted by Lord Crump Nov 16 2011 21:33 GMT in Franis 3: The Revenge of the Anti-Nerr
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In order for Franis 3 to happen, I need, to begin with, three sprite sheets: one for Franis Jr. (No one is working on this yet; I need someone to do this for me (The details are specified in the previous Franis 3 thread)), one for Nas (Which is being worked on by Nas, I believe), and one for Flavio (Claus is doing it, if I'm correct).

I also need backgrounds (Think dark, dirty, crowded futuristic mega-city like L.A. in Bladerunner or Midgar in FFVII).


Found some perfect backgrounds to edit and make into tilesets for this game.

Inner City

City Street

Reply by Tails Doll Nov 16 2011 22:09 GMT
i haven't worked on mine for a week been really busy sorry i'll try doing it when i have time
Reply by Nastasia Nov 16 2011 23:16 GMT

Good find, Tails; we need as many backgrounds as we can get

It's okay, Nas; just finish them when you have the time and get them to me whenever you can

Reply by Lord Crump Nov 17 2011 01:32 GMT
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