Stranger's Dream is the last planned Bastion DLC
Posted by Joystiq Dec 11 2011 21:30 GMT in Bastion
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Supergiant Games' creative director Greg Kasavin made his way down the red carpet at yesterday's Spike Video Game Awards, and stopped to speak with Joystiq about releasing the excellent Bastion on the Google Chrome browser platform. "It was an interesting project from a bunch of different angles," he said. "We were very curious about it technologically, because I'll be the first to admit that as a game player, I have certain preconceptions about what browser-based gaming is like." The whole project took about two months to make, and the team was uncertain they'd match the console version in quality, despite assurances from Google. "We were skeptical, but we got it up and running and we were like whoa, this actually works."

The company is also planning on releasing a pack of DLC called "The Stranger's Dream" next week that will take players through another Who Knows Where sequence about the Rucks character. When asked if there will be more DLC after that, Kasavin gave a flat "no," but he's not so clear about whether this is the end of Bastion for good: "We don't know that for sure, but it's the end of our plans."

So what's Supergiant up to next, then? "We have a bunch of little things brewing and whatnot," Kasavin promises. As for platforms or genres, however, he told us that "it's too early to say."

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