Frictional Teases Next Amnesia
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 10 2012 14:45 GMT in Amnesia: The Dark Descent
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Trouser-colour troublers Frictional Games, makers of Amnesia: The Dark Descent, have dramatically unveiled a website for their next game, pulling aside a metaphorical curtain, making thunder noises with their mouths and flicking the lights on and off. Scared? Nope? You’re just made of steel, aren’t you? I’d have thought a website with a blurry image with the word “Amnesia” on it in scary script and a link to a Google Map of China (click the image, if you dare) would have made you curl up into a ball. So what is going on? Well, I’m afraid I know as much as you do, apart from the two little more bits of information contained below this terrifying jump. Dare you? Mwahahaha…(more…)

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