Nuclear Dawn Update Released
Posted by Valve Feb 24 2012 15:40 GMT in Nuclear Dawn
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Nuclear Dawn Update 6.01:
Balance changes
* Each ammopack can now only supply each player up to one of each grenade type and one hypospray.
* EMP blasts now destroy nano skin effect on enemies.
* Hypospray / nano skin damage reduction lowered to 70%.
* Poison damage is no longer reduced by nano skin.
* Increased damage for all turret types.
* Reduced X01 effective range.

* Fixed server browser player count being incorrect if bots were in game.
* Fixed opposing team's default spawn showing in purple.
* Fixed missing structure health indicator on repair tool.
* Fixed some inconsistencies with nano skin duration bar, especially when hypospraying other players.
* Artillery radio calls are now rate-limited.
* Made icon above players with nano skin clearer.
* Class ability key now always goes to repair tool on Support Engineer, rather than cycling tools.
* Repair tool is now first, before ammo pack, when cycling tools as Support Engineer.


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