We're of the firm opinion that your time is too precious, too valuable to be spent reading a full review for a game that was already reviewed many, many years ago. What's the point of applying a score to a game that's old enough to be enrolled in the sixth grade? That's why we invented Deja Review: A quick look at the new features and relative agelessness of remade, revived and re-released games. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings has always been a console game in disguise. The PC version remains superior, capable of more clarity and sophisticated effects, but plug in a controller and the Riveting Polish Game transforms into something you'd rather play ensconced in a couch. The "Enhanced Edition" feels authentic and comfortable on the Xbox 360.
That isn't to say it's been streamlined to a fault. The Witcher 2 is a gorgeous, thoughtful and brassy adventure with a surprising number of sharp edges. The original game had a deadly gauntlet for a tutorial, a misstep which got it lambasted while a dragon roasted players again and again. It was frustrating, yes, but it worked as a charming wake-up call of sorts, and as a crucial component of the game's mature personality. To succeed, you must think and do as Geralt of Rivia does, and that's precisely what you want in a role-playing game.
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