OH BOY GUYZ GAEM OF TTEH YURR 2012!!!!!!11!!!one11!!!!1!XDDDDD
Posted by Super-Claus May 02 2012 01:28 GMT in Call of Duty: Black Ops II
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That actually looks kind of cool.
Reply by Popple May 02 2012 02:05 GMT
i don't know it looks pretty good i think they put a lot of effort into it stop criticizing things just because they have a bad fanbase jeez
Reply by Nastasia May 02 2012 02:25 GMT

War movie templates excite me too guys

Reply by Fallen Shade May 02 2012 02:46 GMT
we're 100% black
Reply by Slim May 02 2012 03:13 GMT
It's actually different though.
The older CoDs were basically WW2 every time.
CoD4 broke the mold and was set in a more modern setting.
After that it was basically the same thing again up until Black Ops 1 came out, which was set during the Cold/Vietnam War.
MW3 was modern again.
This one is in a future setting. My only gripe is the title...Black Ops 2? Why not just Future Warfare?
Reply by darkz May 02 2012 03:48 GMT

Yeah this looks pretty great

I wonder if i'll finally find out if Nixon survived the zombie outbreak

Reply by Doopliss May 02 2012 07:51 GMT

Holy shit, this is unbelievable. I just checked it out again and read some of the comments. All the retards that say *crag* every 3 seconds and know nothing of grammar that you would typically expect to find playing a CoD game are saying how much they hate it and all the decent-esque people are saying it looks great.

I think Treyarch may have just inverted the fanbase

Reply by Doopliss May 02 2012 12:36 GMT
I haven't bought many of the CoD games in the past (my brother bought MW1 a while back but traded it in a few months after I'd completed the plot and he'd gotten bored), but I might just buy this. Maybe it's just because I like sci-fi stuff, but I quite like the premise behind the game. Also, is anyone else getting something of a Terminator vibe from the whole thing?
Reply by Gold Prognosticus May 02 2012 14:00 GMT
Apparently the story involves you playing as Mason's son in a new Cold War with China who has begun hoarding rare minerals needed to build electronics and America's drone army has been taken over by terrorist who you will learn more about through flashbacks to the 1980's where you play as Frank Woods.
Also the story will diverge at certain paths based on choices you make as well as how well you perform in new open ended missions where you lead a team of soldiers and drones in capturing objectives on large open maps. You can pop out of your soldier at any time to get an RTS-style overview of the battle and command your troops and then jump into any available drone or soldier to take direct control.
Also horses.
Reply by Popple May 02 2012 14:27 GMT

I'm actually interested in seeing how this pans out.

Reply by Maiq the Liar May 02 2012 18:20 GMT
It looks interesting and I can tell they put some thought into the story mode (well maybe thats not the correct word but they put SOMETHING into it). My main tiff is just that the CoD franchise,as a whole, has put a 'bad taste in my mouth', so to speak. Really shouldn't be putting my past dislikes automatically on this game, it's just that the franchise has a tendancy to reel in audiences with the name alone, and becuase of this it's kind of become the whore of video games to me. But if what pops said is true then this might actually be a damned fun game.
Reply by Super-Claus May 02 2012 23:05 GMT
come on guys, do you really think they would bother with new gameplay when every copy/paste release sells more than the last?
Reply by Francis May 03 2012 13:43 GMT

I also heard that they're improving zombies a tonne, which i'm pretty excited about. Different game modes, a 'bigger world' and they claim it could quite easily be its own game within the game. So i'm thinking they might even have a single player zombies campaign?

Francis it genuinely looks like they're putting a lot of effort into distinguishing this from the rest.

Reply by Doopliss May 03 2012 14:49 GMT
As a guy who's played through MW1 and a couple of demos but nothing else, it it worth me getting any of the other games in advance of this one? I've had about £100 for over a month now and I haven't decided how to spend it yet.
Reply by Gold Prognosticus May 03 2012 15:19 GMT
don't bother with the others. Do get Battlefield 3 though (for the multiplayer)
Reply by Francis May 03 2012 18:00 GMT
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