Jagged Alliance: BIA Puts A Patch Over Your Eyes
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 03 2012 13:00 GMT in Jagged Alliance: Back in Action
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I had very mixed feelings about Jagged Alliance: Back In Action and not the kind that make for the emotional equivalent of a delicious bourbon-based beverage. This was more like a draught of nostalgic ambrosia that someone had spilled kerosene in. That I still drank it and would do so again speaks ill of my character. The recent patch siphons in something sweet and much in demand though – a ‘tactical’ mode. That might seem a bit like if Battlefield 3 adding a ‘shooter’ mode months after release, but at least someone’s listened to the complaints and JABIA is receiving decent support. The main addition is that enemies must be revealed through line of sight but there’s plenty more. Full change list below.


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