Tick-Toque: Republique Rallies For Final Kickstarter Push
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 11 2012 09:00 GMT in PC Gaming News
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Truth be told, I never really liked Republique‘s chances on Kique, er, Kickstarter. Don’t get me wrong: it’s pretty much the only Kickstarter I’m personally pulling for, but a mere two weeks ago, it still needed to coax $400,000 out of an army of unwilling wallets. On top of that, we’re talking about an unproven concept from a freshly born franchise. And, perhaps most damningly, everyone at Camouflaj clearly can’t spell. The past couple days, then, have been nothing short of astounding. Passionate fans have piped up via every form of social networking short of the ancient Roman Forum, and Republique’s rocketed to more than $430,000 of its $500,000 goal. Now, less than a day remains. Disembodied surveillance camera protagonists will speak of this photo finish for years to come. Well, if it succeeds anyway. But honestly, why should you care? Well, there’s the whole respecting PC gamers thing, for one. And now, there’s also a trailer of Republique in action.


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