Republique sneaks past $500K Kickstarter goal with just six hours to spare
Posted by Joystiq May 11 2012 16:15 GMT in PC Gaming News
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The folks at nascent studio Camouflaj must be pretty excited right now, with their first ever project - a Kickstarted game named "Répubique" - meeting (and exceeding) it's $500,000 goal with just six hours left until the Kickstarter expires. The Kickstarter nearly met an untimely end when funders plateaued across the past few weeks, but the drive was bolstered by the addition of David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake, among others) and Jennifer Hale (voice of Cortana, among others) to the game's cast.

As of right now, the Kickstarter is sitting at just over $500K, but we expect it'll continue rising until time runs out at 6PM ET.

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