Republique Gets Kickstarted, Finally
Posted by Giant Bomb May 11 2012 17:54 GMT in Gaming News
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That was ridiculously close, wasn't it?

While we here at Giant Bomb could pretty much give or take the vast majority of video game pitches using Kickstarter as a method of funding, we've silently been hoping for good news when it came to developer Camouflaj's Republique, a PC, Mac and iOS title based around stealth gameplay and what the Kickstarter page describes as "a believable, non-sexualized female lead." Up until this past week or so, it was looking more and more unlikely that Republique would make its $500,000 goal, as it was still at least $150,000 short. Then, somehow, some way, it happened.

With just six hours left on the countdown, Republique crossed the mark it needed for minimum funding. As of now, with just about four hours left, it's up around $517,000, so the end tally could end up being a good chunk higher than expected.

Camouflaj had the advantage of boasting a number of developers from major studios, some of which had worked on franchises like Halo and Metal Gear Solid. During the course of the Kickstarter campaign, voice actors David Hayter and Jennifer Hale came on board, pledging to provide their voices to the game. That gave the campaign a solid shot in the arm, but still it struggled for a good long while, before reaching the goal today.

Granted, Republique is not 100% set now that it has its Kickstarter money. Camoflaj is also working on raising additional capital via other sources, hoping to bring the overall total to around $1 million. That could, of course, fall through, thus making this whole Kickstarter thing a bit of a terrible disappointment. But regardless of what happens, we're sure they'll find something useful to do with your money.

If you haven't read up on Republique previously, their Kickstarter page has a wealth of details to sift through, as well as several pitch videos featuring Hale, Hayter, and others.

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