Assassin's Creed III - multiplayer details
Posted by GoNintendo Jun 05 2012 13:21 GMT in Assassin's Creed III
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- two teams of four fight for control over three areas on a map
- earn points for capturing a spot
- you'll be hunted down by other assassins
- first map to be shown is called The Northwest Passage
- this includes an ice-bound boat to explore
- three confirmed characters: The Commander, The Carpenter and The Lady Maverick
- use the environment in your kills
- collapse walls on enemies
- new cover system from the single player will appear
- dynamic weather will feature in multiplayer maps
- third active ability slot
- several new weapons including the poison dart
- the merging of the 'Kill/Stun' abilities onto a single button
- new perk called 'Unstoppable' which will allow you to run through chasebreakers and dense crowds

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