Kojima discusses his favorite Metal Gear characters and the 'curse of Japan'
Posted by GoNintendo Jun 08 2012 21:02 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of a CVG interview with Hideo Kojima...

CVG: Who is your favourite Metal Gear character, and why?

HK: If I have to answer that, then Snake, obviously! But in second place is Otacon. The reason why I like Otacon is that although the story of Metal Gear is based on combat and superpowered soldiers, Otacon is able to carve out a place for himself without picking up a gun. He uses his intellect to solve problems instead.

CVG: What do you think of the Japanese market compared to the European and North American industry?

HK: One thing about Japan, and this isn't just games, is that things made in Japan are very much targeted at Japan, whether it's games, movies or novels. The curse in Japan is that a lot of media is made in Japan just for Japan - you go to the cinema and it's all Japanese movies. My generation is now being exposed to a wide range of influences, that's why what I want to make is a little bit more in tune with what people in the West will like. I really like all the things that are being made in the West. When I come to shows like E3 and see the announcements and go to Comic-Con, I love all of the presentations, so really I've been thinking maybe I was born in the wrong country!

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