Nintendo's Scott Moffitt says 1080p for 1st party Wii U games, 3DS struggles applied to Wii U
Posted by GoNintendo Jun 18 2012 18:35 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of a GameSpot interview with Nintendo's Scott Moffitt...

GS: Nintendo first-party titles: 720p resolution or 1080p?

SM: I think it's 1080p.

GS: What did you learn from the struggles of the 3DS launch?

SM: The first and most important learning is that games drive hardware sales. We need to launch a new platform with great first-party and third-party content. So that's the most important learning. That learning overshadows everything else. Pricing is certainly an important factor. We wanted to make the 3DS accessible for more consumers and lower the price; in so doing, it spurred sales. 3DS sales continue to track ahead of DS sales at this point in its lifetime; 3DS sales continue outpace DS sales at a similar time in its life. What's more impressive about that is obviously the competitive environment has changed. With gaming on tablets and phones, the 3DS is competing in a different environment to the DS. To continue to be outpacing that at this point in its life is impressive. The 3DS also did not have broader entertainment features functional on the system at launch, and that learning has also been incorporated into our thinking for the Wii U; stuff like e-Shop not being available at launch, etc.

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