The Walking Dead FPS has zombies sniff, sound you out
Posted by Joystiq Jul 09 2012 21:00 GMT in The Walking Dead
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Terminal Reality is the latest company to take advantage of the franchise opportunities in The Walking Dead, hired by Activision to create a first-person-shooter for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC due out next year. Rather than drawing from the source material of Robert Kirkman's graphic novels, Activision wants Terminal Reality to create a game from the AMC television series based on the comic, separating it from Telltale Games' episodic, action point-and-click installment of The Walking Dead.

"When Activision approached us to help them make The Walking Dead game based off the AMC's TV series, the whole team went crazy," Terminal Reality creative lead Angel Gonzalez writes on the PlayStation Blog. "We are all fans of the show and couldn't wait to get our hands on it. Immediately the team knew that an FPS game based on The Walking Dead was something we wanted to help bring the fans." We assume he means fans of the television series only, since fans of the comic aren't necessarily the same people who enjoy the TV show.

The Walking Dead FPS will focus on the zombies as "walkers," as they're called in the show, and will require players to be specifically aware of the sounds they produce, whether when firing weapons or traveling through an area.

"In the game, you'll need to carefully sneak into and out of some dangerous situations and you may meet a few Walkers along the way," Gonzalez says. "If you show up with guns blazing, you'll quickly find yourself dealing with a much larger crowd and you could easily become overwhelmed."

Walkers will also track humans by their scent. The longer a player stands still, the larger his scent radius becomes, eventually traveling outside of buildings and down streets to lure in masses of the undead. Just like McDonald's does.

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