Capcom Vancouver lays off 20 staffers
Posted by Joystiq Jul 19 2012 00:30 GMT in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
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Dead Rising 2 developer Capcom Vancouver - previously known as Blue Castle Games - has issued layoffs today. Seven percent of the total work force in the studio has been let go, according to a tweet from the studio, which noted the decision was "a result of unsuitable fit with the studio goals."

We're not quite sure what that means, but we've reached out to Capcom Vancouver and Capcom at large for more information, and to find out if these layoffs will have any affect on the studio's new unannounced IP in development.

Update: Capcom sent over the following statement regarding Capcom Vancouver: "Capcom Vancouver has laid off 20 staff as part of its regular periodic assessment of overall studio goals. The studio is actively hiring talented staff to support its goal of delivering high quality games."

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