Dead Rising 2: Off the Record Message Board

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Posted by Joystiq 12 years ago
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Capcom's deal of the week makes both Dead Rising 2 and the spinoff Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, available for the low price of just $12.99 a piece. Dead Rising 2 OTR is on PSN for the same price as part of the Halloween sale. That's a huge saving on zombie killings: One of the game's achievements asks you to kill 72,000 zombies, so if you finish that achievement, you'll only have paid 1/50th (rounded off, of course) of a cent per kill! It's rare you find zombie killing that cheap these days, especially in this economy.

Plus, if you've already played Dead Rising 2, this is your chance to play that Off the Record version, which places the first Dead Rising's Frank West in the protagonist's chair. Being that it's the deal of the week, the offer lasts no more than seven days from now (and probably less, depending on when you're reading this), so if you want to take Capcom up on it, grab away.

Posted by Joystiq 12 years ago
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Dead Rising 2 developer Capcom Vancouver - previously known as Blue Castle Games - has issued layoffs today. Seven percent of the total work force in the studio has been let go, according to a tweet from the studio, which noted the decision was "a result of unsuitable fit with the studio goals."

We're not quite sure what that means, but we've reached out to Capcom Vancouver and Capcom at large for more information, and to find out if these layoffs will have any affect on the studio's new unannounced IP in development.

Update: Capcom sent over the following statement regarding Capcom Vancouver: "Capcom Vancouver has laid off 20 staff as part of its regular periodic assessment of overall studio goals. The studio is actively hiring talented staff to support its goal of delivering high quality games."

Posted by Joystiq 12 years ago
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Dead Rising 2 developer Capcom Vancouver - previously known as Blue Castle Games - has issued layoffs today. Seven percent of the total work force in the studio has been let go, according to a tweet from the studio, which noted the decision was "a result of unsuitable fit with the studio goals."

We're not quite sure what that means, but we've reached out to Capcom Vancouver and Capcom at large for more information, and to find out if these layoffs will have any affect on the studio's new unannounced IP in development. We will update this post as more information is provided.

Posted by Kotaku 13 years ago
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#deadrising With an entire shopping plaza / casino / amusement park at his disposal, one would think Dead Rising 2 Off the Record's Frank West could come up with something better than a cardboard helmet. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun 13 years ago
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I received review code for Dead Rising 2: Off the Record last week and was hoping to bring you hilarious tales of my attempts to photographically document a localised zombie apocalypse while wearing naught but spandex and a comedy hat. There would have been a bit with me riding a tricycle and shooting a water pistol at a horde of reanimated corpses and another bit when my chainsaw-paddle contraption spectacularly failed at the very moment a tiger was preparing to chew my face off. Imagine how much fun it would have been!

Keep on imagining because despite buying a retail copy to ensure the problem wasn’t unstable code I haven’t managed to take a single compromising photograph or wear a shred of spandex. A combination of shoddy port syndrome and Games For Windows Live has thwarted my every attempt to play a game I expected to enjoy and say nice things about. None of that now. Instead, regrettably, this.


Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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New Dead Rising 2: Off the Record DLC will give Frank West some new "Cyborg Skills." Said skills don't just include things like "being able to endure painful cyber implant surgery" and "beeping." In the game, West's machine-man enhancements will add electrical damage to all regular attacks, additional damage on melee attacks, and even more attack bonuses with electrical appliances, beep.

The "Cyborg Skills Pack" will be released on Xbox 360, PC, and PS3 on October 25 for $2. Until then, you'll just have to get your fill of robot-ness by dressing up as Proto Man.

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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Capcom has announced the first downloadable content for Dead Rising: Off the Record...

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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There's a surprise lurking in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record that is most decidedly not undead -- Proto Man! You can unlock Proto Man's outfit, shield and a working arm cannon through a series of steps so strangely complex that we're shocked anyone figured this easter egg out at all.

Apparently you can snag the boots no problem, but to get the shield and blaster you have to beat the game with an S rank, medal in all 30 challenges, defeat Jack in a game of poker at the safe house, and then start that file again (not a new game), htka of GameFAQs posted. Or you can just watch the above video and pretend you're controlling Proto Frank West Man. You can even make your own sound effects. We won't tell anyone.

If you'll remember, there was a similar unlock in Dead Rising, but it was bluer.

Posted by Kotaku 13 years ago
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#deadrising The original Dead Rising featured a full set of Mega Man armor and a functional Mega Buster. Well, if Capcom's bringing back Frank West, why not bring back a Mega Man costume? So they did, with a twist. More »

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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We're of the firm opinion that your time is too precious, too valuable to be spent reading a full review for a game that was already reviewed many, many years ago. What's the point of applying a score to a game that's old enough to be enrolled in the sixth grade? That's why we invented Deja Review: A quick look at the new features and relative agelessness of remade, revived and re-released games. What if you could go back in time, but instead of doing something mundane like killing Hitler's mom or saving Sarah Connor, you could get filthy rich. Like Scrooge McDuck rich. Like Dethklok rich.

Sure, you do a little betting, you use your knowledge of upcoming events to amass an empire of wealth by simply doing something you should've done in the first place. But even that mistake ends up being a blessing for you: You've got something the people want and you know it.

That's the Capcom of recent, a company who is quickly becoming the master of selling us the same game multiple times. Dead Rising 2: Off the Record is the company's latest re-release -- sadly, marginal technical improvements and the replacement of protagonist Chuck Greene with the original game's hero, Frank West, just aren't enough to warrant another go 'round Fortune City.

Posted by Giant Bomb 13 years ago
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3 out of 5

Frank West, ladies and gentlemen.

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record makes enough meaningful improvements and additions to the formula of Capcom's hectic, quirky zombie action series that it's easy to call this game the best Dead Rising to date. So it might sound odd to say that there's also a good chance you should skip this game entirely. Off the Record is billed as a sort of alternate-history version of Dead Rising 2 that replaces the previous hero, the noble but downtrodden motocross star Chuck Greene, with the series' original protagonist, the sleazy but downtrodden photojournalist Frank West. That idea has merit, but it's hard not to be disappointed by the sheer amount of content in this package that's lifted directly from the last game.

Of course, it will only seem recycled to you if you played through Dead Rising 2. I should state upfront that if you missed that game, and you're down for more of the bizarre humor, time-limited mission structure, and mass zombie slaughter this series offers, Off the Record is a great deal at $40, since it has everything in the original along with some nice extras. But that's also the problem with this game. The core storyline of Dead Rising 2, which involves a 72-hour zombie outbreak in the Vegas-like pleasure-dome of Fortune City, remains basically unchanged. A few of the characters' roles in the story are slightly different, and enough of the dialog has been rerecorded to integrate Frank seamlessly into the starring role, but by and large the story beats and even specific cutscenes usually range from slightly modified to essentially identical. As someone who for some baffling reason put at least 25 hours into Dead Rising 2, it was hard to shake the feeling that I'd seen all of this before, and even when things start to diverge a bit later in the game, it all feels too much like a retread. This game would stand more readily on its own if it offered a more unique story for Frank to make his way through.

Same zombies, same city, different guy.

That's not to say there isn't some new content here, even for returning players. A new theme park area has been grafted onto Fortune City that offers some silly carnival games and other ridiculous ways to kill zombies. Some of the collectible items like magazines have been moved around a bit, and a good number of the survivor side missions are also now in different places (though they're the same otherwise). And there's a handful of amusing new combo weapons to put together, but then, none of them are as consistently useful as old standbys like the nail bat and knife gloves. And of course, Frank still has his trusty camera, so you can earn extra experience points taking pictures of all the brutal, dramatic, and erotic sights a zombie-infested Fortune City has to offer. Even the DLC costumes from the first game are included on the disc. It's nice that this stuff is in here, but it's not nearly enough to offset how familiar the story progression and core missions are.

Some of the most meaningful additions in Off the Record are actually the ones that take place under the hood. Dead Rising 2 already offered three save slots (up from the original game's one), so you could stagger your save games and roll back to an earlier save if you locked yourself into a spot where you didn't have time to finish the next case file. Off the Record adds checkpoints to this system that trigger when you enter a new area or after you complete major objectives. The checkpoints act as a great safety net that prevents you from losing too much progress if haven't made a hard save in a while, and you happen to unexpectedly die or wander into a psychopath battle without being prepared. It's a minor point, but you can now also drop waypoints anywhere on the map, making it easier to find your way around to specific locations.

The sandbox mode is a great way to earn experience and mess around without any time pressure.

Finally (and I do mean finally), Off the Record has a sandbox mode that lets you roam the whole of Fortune City with no time limit. There are dozens of challenge missions scattered around the map that have you killing a quota of zombies in a specific way, or racing to a destination in a set amount of time, and so on. These objectives are amplified if you bring a second player in for co-op, and both versions of each mission have a leaderboard attached. Or you could forget about the missions entirely and just go nuts building weapons, killing zombies, and generally messing around. The best thing about the sandbox mode is that all of the experience points, cash, and even collectible things like combo cards that you earn there will transfer right back into the story mode. If you're the type of person who likes to level up your character for more health and inventory space before you really get going through the story, the sandbox offers you a good way to do that without playing the first couple of hours of the game multiple times ad nauseam. Alas, each mission has to be unlocked with a minimum number of zombie kills, so I found myself having to grind out a bunch of kills after I finished each mission, before I was able to take on the next one. That's an unfortunate limitation that slows down your enjoyment of the sandbox mode, but then it wouldn't be Dead Rising without the mechanics arbitrarily impeding your progress once in a while.

Obligatory shot of new area.

Since the vast majority of the assets here are straight from Dead Rising 2, this game looks almost exactly like that one did, so it's no surprise that the PC version is once again the best one, with a smoother frame rate and faster load times on a modern system (not to mention Xbox Live achievements, if you're into that sort of thing). But at least the console version's awful load times have been noticeably improved from before. That's some consolation when you lead survivors back to the safe room, but it's a shame the developers didn't go further and allow you to just drop them off at the entrance, without making you load into and back out of the safe room at all. Unlike the load times, the performance sadly isn't really improved on console, with the frame rate bogging down pretty badly in open areas with a lot of zombies. It's especially atrocious in that new theme park (cheekily dubbed the Uranus Zone). You'd think there would be more polish applied to the game's one completely new area, but the opposite is true.

Off the Record strikes me as a strange product. There are a lot of reasons to fondly remember Frank West, and it's fun to see him back in action here, even if he's put on a few. But the way this game depicts Frank going through nearly the same story you've seen before sort of cheapens the existence of the original Dead Rising 2. Video games are such a blatantly sequel-driven medium that I'm genuinely impressed any time a franchise makes a move as bold as replacing its protagonist, and moreover, Chuck Greene was a likable guy who did a respectable job with the whole reluctant-hero thing. Off the Record almost feels like it's giving up and saying, "OK, fine, here's that original guy you were so attached to." What this game means for a possible third Dead Rising remains to be seen, but at present, your interest in Off the Record should be directly dictated by how much Dead Rising 2 you've already played, and how much more you're still eager to play now.

Posted by Valve 13 years ago
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Dead Rising 2: Off the Record is now available on Steam!

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record sees Frank West photojournalist and original hero of the Dead Rising Willamette incident take center stage as players experience a re-imagining of the Fortune City outbreak. Frank will face off against more twisted enemies, build more outrageous combo weapons, follow his own unique mission structure and explore brand new areas of Fortune City to get his biggest scoop yet!


Posted by Giant Bomb 13 years ago
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Combat photographer and apparent never-nude Frank West returns to the familiar streets of Fortune City.

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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Frank West may have at one time been beloved by the public, but since the events in Willamette, his luck has taken a turn for the worse. Of course, it's about to get way worse once he discovers a Las Vegas overrun by the undead in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record.

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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Unless you live in Japan, you've probably never heard of acclaimed director SABU. His real name is Hiroyuki Tanaka and his latest project is a short film for Japan to promote upcoming re-release, Dead Rising 2: Off the Record.

The film is titled Tokyo Dead Rising and will be screened a day prior to the game's launch in Japan on October 13. If you live in Japan, you could even score a seat for the flick. You'll want to head on over to Capcom-Unity's Japanese arm for details.

A brief trailer for the film can be seen above.

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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I could never figure out whether the original Dead Rising was a spoof or just a very, very weird (and very Japanese) interpretation of classic zombie horror. Either way, Dead Rising 2 had a distinctly different flavour. Whilst the three save slots, vastly improved gun controls and various other West...

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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As if all of the craziness we already knew about in Dead Rising 2: Off the Record wasn't enough, Capcom has even more to reveal at PAX this weekend, apparently. The company is showing off the game's Sandbox mode, which will let players run around Fortune City and cause as much mayhem as wanted "without having to worry about the clock."

The mode also offers a series of challenges in each of the game's environments (ranging from simple collection to killing zombies or driving around in vehicles) that will offer up cash as a reward. We've got a couple of Joystiq folks on the show floor at PAX, so stay tuned for a hands-on report about the mode itself.

Posted by Kotaku 13 years ago
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#deadrising Capcom makes all of my zombie killing dreams come true this weekend as they reveal the all-new sandbox mode for Dead Rising 2 Off The Record at PAX, finally setting players loose into the undead apocalypse with no timer to hold them back. More »

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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You've bought all three Dead Rising 2 games to date, and you've pre-ordered the fourth. How on earth can you give Capcom more money for Dead Rising 2? Don't worry -- that's what DLC is for. Four downloadable costumes have been announced for Off the Record, allowing you to make Frank, the character people wanted so badly to return, almost unrecognizable.

Each costume comes with gameplay bonuses: Cyborg Frank has an electrical attack that stuns zombies; survivors run faster when following Frank in his firefighter outfit, and he can kick down doors and more effectively use water guns; the BBQ Chef outfit confers extra firepower to ketchup and mustard, and offers some kind of bonus when using explosives. And in the "Warrior Costume," players get 25% additional PP after every attack, and an exclusive combo with the practice sword and shield.

In Japan, these will all be sold separately for 160 Microsoft Points; release plans haven't been announced for North America yet, with the exception of the Warrior costume, which is a GameStop pre-order bonus.

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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Point-and-shoot? Psh, that's for amateurs. Snapping a great photo is an art form, as Frank West will tell you in the Dead Rising 2: Off the Record trailer above. It's all about exposure, composition and wearing just the right kind of silly hat.

Posted by Kotaku 13 years ago
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#deadrising Dead Rising's Frank West is a photographer. He's covered wars, you know. Not only that, he's taken snaps of a zombie outbreak. Who better to learn camera tips from? More »

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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We all thought Frank West was out covering wars between the events of Dead Rising and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, but that's not the case. Turns out, he became a celebrity after the Willamette incident -- and like every star out there, West eventually turned to the bottle. Fame must be pure torture, you guys.

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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Frank West isn't just that guy who killed all those zombies that one time in that one mall, you know. He's also used his photojournalistic abilities to cover elections, natural disasters, and, as he frequently insists, wars. Share in his indignation in this Dead Rising 2: Off the Record trailer.

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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Capcom has announced the release date for Dead Rising 2: Off the Record...

Posted by IGN 13 years ago
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Dead Rising 2: Off the Record is a value-priced remake of Dead Rising 2 that retells the story from the perspective of Frank West, the hero of the original game. It's out October 11 on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC, and will set you back $40. Here's your first look at the box art: ...

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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We recall fondly last year's Dead Rising 2 panel, learning new information about weapons, plot and a Zombrex webseries, and it seems this year Capcom didn't want to mess with success. The Capcom panel revealed little new information about any of its titles, except for one game, Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, an enhanced version of 2010's zombie sequel.

Pre-ordering Off the Record from Gamestop will give you cosplay clothing pack DLC, and anyone who played Dead Rising 2 can get Chuck Greene's jacket for Frank West to wear. Because the one thing we want when we're playing the revamp of a sequel whose second protagonist has been replaced by the original, is to see the original wearing the second's jacket. Finally, someone understands us.

Capcom also confirmed it is teaming up with IDW Publishing to release a graphic novel, Dead Rising: Road to Fortune, this October. Off the Record is scheduled to drop October 11, so that might be a good time for the comic to release too. Just sayin'.

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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It seems Frank's hiatus from covering wars has taught him a thing or two about duct tape. This latest trailer for Dead Rising 2: Off the Record introduces the Electric Crusher, a combination of the sledgehammer and battery.

Posted by GameTrailers 13 years ago
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Meet the Electric Crusher--a battery hammer.

Posted by Joystiq 13 years ago
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To be a fan is a curious thing. To love something so much that it bleeds from its source into every facet of your life is a fascination we know all too well. And we've got the VHS tape of the Bubsy pilot to prove it!

That's why we're digging this custom Chuck Greene figure, the protagonist from Dead Rising 2 (and not Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, mind you). Created by Capcom-Unity frequenter Loosecollector Custom Figure Studio, it's clearly a product of passion; we appreciate all of the effort that went into mini-Chuck, even if his face is a bit off. Hey, we don't mean to poke fun, but we haven't even mentioned what's going on with the crotch -- er, damn.

You can see the full image past the break.