Tekken Tag 2 DLC alert: extra characters and stages start dropping Oct. 9
Posted by Joystiq Sep 20 2012 06:00 GMT in Tekken Tag Tournament 2
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Starting on October 9, Namco Bandai will begin adding new characters and stages to Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (the same ones dataminers uncovered earlier this month). The additional free content includes playable characters Dr. Bosconovitch, Unknown, Slim Bob, Miharu, Sebastian and Violet.

In addition to the new characters, there are four new stages for your juggling pleasure: Russia, Chile, Saudi Arabia and Magic Show. All of this stuff will be added in free, sequential updates. There's no word on what the exact timeline is for the new content, but it looks like it'll piece-by-piece rather than in one major update.

Hit the jump for more character and stage highlight videos.

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