Bravely Default: Flying Fairy - more Iwata Asks details
Posted by GoNintendo Sep 25 2012 20:12 GMT in Bravely Default
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The following comes from Square Enix producer Tomoya Asano and Naotaka Hayashi...

- collaboration between the two wasn’t originally planned
- when Asano was looking for a writer to work on his new project, one of his colleagues recommended Steins;Gate to him
- Asano wants Bravely Default to be “the new epic RPG from Square Enix”
- three pillars of an RPG are the battles, the plot, and growth
- Bravely Default has a fourth pillar—its wireless capabilities
- to Asano, what could possibly be more epic than playing a grand story with a whole group of people, all working toward the same goal?
- use StreetPass to summon friends in battle
- use Abilink to borrow job abilities from your friends
- if Person A raises a Knight, and Person B raises a Magician, then they can trade abilities such that A could have a more powerful Magician and B would have a more powerful Knight
- these characters start out at a low level when you use them,
- they will have the new skills
- this allows you to use them in battle quicker and easier
- Hayashi placed special emphasis on not only creating relatable characters, but also on creating a relatable world
- the world would have to be firmly set, with its own history, and it would resonate with our own despite being completely different from it
- characters, NPC and main characters would be as lively and as fun as possible
- Hayashi says he paid special attention to the phrasing and wording of each of the characters’ lines
- he also paid particular attention to the balance between story and freedom
- Bravely Default was to be a completely new, but “nostalgic” RPG
- both drew inspiration from the older role-playing games they’d played as children
- game systems back then were uncomplicated, battles were simple, you didn’t have to sit through lines and lines of tutorial or manuals to be able to play the game
- Brave and Default system unique to the game would have to be easy to use
- allows you to input a bunch of commands at once to be used all in one turn
- Brave command would be for offense, and the Default would be defense.
- players won’t get far before they realize that strategy is extremely important
- designed so that players could easily use the system to suit their playing style
- Asano used the game’s demo as a sort of beta test
- suggestions from players were used to make improvements
- improvements include speeding up the battle movement, speeding up the walking through towns, the ability to skip through the text, and removing as many camera angle changes as possible
- this input not only bettered the game, but also increased the players’ faith in it
- felt that all the opinions along the way would make for an even better game—one step closer to their goal of creating a truly “epic” RPG

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